Carly Adopts Abandoned Senior Dog, His Heartbreaking Cry Mad Her Cry too

Carly Adopts Abandoned Senior Dog, His Heartbreaking Cry Mad Her Cry too

Link, a senior dog of about 16 years old, found himself abandoned at a shelter, his future uncertain. Carly, narrating the video for GE beats, recounts how she came to adopt Link after a woman named Angel shared his picture from the shelter. At the time of adoption, Link was in a pitiful state, shy and almost furless, a sign of the neglect he had suffered.

Carly introduced Link to her dog, Toad, who was significantly larger but became incredibly protective and nurturing towards the smaller, frail Link. Toad would constantly watch over Link, especially as he struggled with severe skin issues that caused him discomfort and incessant itching. The bond they formed was immediate and profound.

Two years have passed since Carly brought Link into her home, and he is now approximately 18 years old. Despite his advanced age and initial health issues, Link has transformed under Carly’s care. He’s grown his fur back and enjoys a significantly improved quality of life. Toad remains a close companion, always cuddly and affectionate, helping Link navigate through his senior years.

In their community, Link and Toad are known as an odd but endearing pair, often attracting attention and comments from passersby during their walks. Despite some confusion over Link’s breed—he was initially thought to be a Chihuahua, but his resilience in harsh weather and physical features suggest otherwise—he is a beloved pet with a strong will to explore and interact with people.

Link’s health has been a journey of recovery, dealing with allergies and skin conditions, but Carly has ensured he receives all necessary treatments. His vision is impaired due to a cataract in one eye, yet he remains a heartwarming presence in Carly’s life, often using his “puppy dog eyes” to encourage extra cuddles and care.

Carly feels fortunate to have found Link and is dedicated to providing him with love and comfort in his final years, grateful for the joy and warmth he brings to her life.
