Everyone loves this dog except our cat

Everyone loves this dog except our cat

Tony’s story unfolds as a heartwarming tale of a unique and lovable dog who overcame difficult beginnings to become a cherished part of his family and community. The story is narrated by Kelly, who introduces us to Tony, describing him as an unreal combination of a hippo, a manatee, and a teddy bear all rolled into one, emphasizing his undeniable charm and cuddly nature.


Tony’s early life was marked by adversity; he was originally owned by a gang of backyard breeders in the UK, some of whom ended up in prison. When he was about eight weeks old, Tony became part of an ongoing court case, which prevented him from being rehomed immediately. Consequently, he spent the first five months of his life in a shelter, a place that seemed like hell for a dog that needed constant affection and companionship.

Once the court case was settled, Tony was finally adopted by Kelly and brought to his new home. Transitioning from the kennel to a home environment was initially stressful for Tony, but he soon adjusted and embraced his new life with visible joy. Within a few weeks, he recognized the comforts of a bed and a sofa, claiming them as his spots for frequent naps.

Tony’s new life included living in a seaside town in Cornwall, close to the beach—a setting that delighted him with opportunities for play and exploration. Despite his size and intimidating appearance, Tony was gentle and loving. He had two cat sisters, who unfortunately didn’t share his enthusiasm for companionship.

Kelly shares anecdotes about Tony’s daily routine and his life at home and work, revealing his quirky fears and his endearing habit of cuddling under the covers with her husband. Interestingly, Tony also became a local celebrity; people recognized him during walks and interacted with him, including a woman who was initially terrified of dogs but was won over by Tony’s gentle nature.

The story encapsulates Tony’s transformation from a scared puppy in a shelter to a beloved family member and a local star, highlighting the deep bonds he has formed with his human family, especially Kelly’s husband, and his impact on others in the community.