Disabled dog has sweetest response when mom says I love you

Disabled dog has sweetest response when mom says I love you

Marv, a disabled dog with a genetic disorder, has a heartwarming story of love and resilience. Despite his limitations, he has become an integral part of his family, demonstrating that different is not only beautiful but also inspiring.


Marv’s journey began in a shelter with very little known about his background or the genetic disorder he suffers from. His condition prevents him from walking or eating normally, necessitating special care like feeding by spoon while seated in a bed. Marv’s family, Amanda and R, have embraced his needs with full hearts, integrating him into every aspect of their daily life.

Marv exhibits a remarkable spirit. His face, often appearing to smile, and his gentle demeanor make him a joy to be around. His inability to walk doesn’t keep him from enjoying life; he loves being in the middle of everything and insists on participating in family activities. Whether it’s playing with other dogs by allowing them to frolic around him or expressing affection by nibbling gently on his owner’s fingers, Marv finds ways to communicate and bond.

The connection between Marv and his family deepened when R was diagnosed with an autoimmune muscle disease, becoming disabled himself. This shared experience of disability brought them closer, helping R to appreciate Marv’s challenges and the unique ways he copes with his limitations.

The family treats Marv like a child, ensuring he is always cared for and included in all their plans. Veterinary consultations have confirmed that Marv is not in pain, bringing further relief to his family. Marv’s story is not just one of managing disability, but also of finding joy and fulfillment in caring for someone who returns that love manifold.

In summary, Marv’s life with his loving family highlights how embracing differences brings joy and enrichment to all involved