Poor Owner Crossed Border

Poor Owner Crossed Border! To Reunite With Her Missing Dog After 17 Days

Once upon a time, there was a very happy dog named Panfilo. Panfilo loved to go on big trips in a truck with his best friend, Roughiatou. Roughiatou wasn’t just any person; she was Panfilo’s loving owner and they lived in Maryland. They had so much fun traveling together.

Panfilo lost

One sunny day, they were driving through a place called New Mexico. Panfilo always liked to see new things. But something sad happened. While they were in a city named Santa Fe, Panfilo got lost. He didn’t mean to, but he couldn’t find Roughiatou or the truck.

Roughiatou felt very, very sad. She looked everywhere in Santa Fe but couldn’t find Panfilo. She had to go back to Maryland without him. But she didn’t stop looking for Panfilo, not even for one day. She used her computer to look for him on websites where lost pets are found.

Panfilo lost and her owner was unable to find

In Santa Fe, Panfilo was walking around, missing Roughiatou. He didn’t know where to go. But then, some kind people from a place called Santa Fe City Animal Services saw him. They knew Panfilo was lost, so they took him to a safe place called Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society.

At the shelter, everyone was very nice to Panfilo. They gave him check-ups to make sure he was healthy, and they played fun games with him, like nosework. They even gave him special treats called pupsicles.

One of the shelter workers thought, “I hope Panfilo’s family finds him soon. He’s such a sweet dog.”

Roughiatou kept looking for Panfilo
Source: Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society

Back in Maryland, Roughiatou kept looking for Panfilo. And then, one amazing day, she saw Panfilo’s picture on the shelter’s website! They called him Hopper there, but Roughiatou knew it was her Panfilo.

Roughiatou was so happy she cried. She quickly called the shelter and told them about Panfilo. Then she got on a plane to Santa Fe as fast as she could.

When she got to the shelter, Panfilo couldn’t believe his eyes. He ran to Roughiatou and they hugged and hugged. Everyone at the shelter was so happy to see them together again. They even cried happy tears.

Roughiatou was so happy she cried
Source: Santa Fe Animal Shelter & Humane Society


Someone on social media said, “This is the best story ever! So glad Panfilo is back with his family!”

And so, Roughiatou and Panfilo went back home to Maryland together. They were so happy to be with each other again. They knew no matter what, they would always find a way back to each other.

And they lived happily ever after. The end.