125 Pound Rescue Dog Still Thinks He’s A Small Pup

125 Pound Rescue Dog Still Thinks He’s A Small Pup

Dogs are amazing friends. They bring joy and happiness everywhere they go. Today, let’s talk about a special dog named Brandon.

Brandon is a very big dog. He weighs 125 pounds! That’s as heavy as a big refrigerator. But Brandon doesn’t know he’s a big dog. He thinks he’s still a tiny puppy.

Brandon is a very big dog

Once upon a time, in a sunny place called Orlando, in Florida, lived a kind woman named Eliana. Eliana loved dogs very much. One day, she heard about a little dog that needed help. This dog was Brandon.

Brandon was found on a farm. He was very sad and lonely. His fur was dirty, and he was not feeling well. Eliana saw Brandon and knew she had to help.

Eliana said, “This little one needs me. I can’t leave him like this.”

when brandon was small

Eliana took Brandon home. She gave him a bath, good food, and lots of love. Brandon felt happy and safe. As days passed, Brandon started to grow. And grow. And grow! Soon, he was a giant dog!

But Brandon didn’t know he was big. He still tried to do things that small puppies do. He tried to sit in Eliana’s lap. He tried to play under the table. And he always wanted Eliana to hold him, just like when he was a little puppy.

Eliana laughed and said, “Brandon, you’re not a little puppy anymore! But we can still cuddle.” Eliana had two other dogs, golden retrievers. She thought Brandon would be their size, but he was much, much bigger!

brandon still thinks himself a pup

People on the internet loved to hear about Brandon. They saw his pictures and said, “Look at this big boy! He still thinks he’s a puppy!” The rescue team who helped find Brandon said, “We never imagined he would grow this big. But we’re so happy he’s loved.”

Brandon loves being with Eliana. He follows her everywhere. Sometimes, Eliana has to find new games to keep Brandon busy so she can do her work. But she loves having him around.

People on the internet loved to hear about Brandon

Brandon is like the leader of their dog family. He’s always ready to play and go on adventures. Even though he’s big, he’s very gentle and kind. Everyone who meets Brandon falls in love with him.

Eliana and her family can’t imagine life without Brandon. He might be a giant dog, but in their hearts, he will always be the little puppy they brought home. And Brandon, with his big heart, will always think he’s just a small pup, ready for a cuddle in Eliana’s arms.
