A Thrown Out Puppy, Caged for a Year, Finally Finds Freedom

A Thrown Out Puppy, Caged for a Year, Finally Finds Freedom

Cricket was just six months old when she was cruelly thrown out of a moving vehicle. Her subsequent rescue wasn’t much kinder, as she ended up confined to a cage by a squatter for over a year, never seeing the sunlight or experiencing the outside world.

Enter Josh, a Detroit-based veteran dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating dogs, particularly those forced into fighting. When Josh learned about Cricket’s plight, he stepped in to change her fate. He confronted the squatter and presented him with two options: surrender Cricket voluntarily or face legal consequences that would include losing both Cricket and his home. Choosing the former, the squatter handed Cricket over to Josh.

The first thing Josh did with Cricket was to celebrate her freedom; they went for ice cream and then to an open field where Cricket could just be a dog for the first time. Her cage life had been so restrictive that it took multiple baths just to cleanse her of the lingering stench.

Josh, a military veteran suffering from PTSD and permanent disabilities, saw in Cricket not just a dog in need of rescue but a potential companion who could also help him as a service dog. It was a perfect match. Cricket adapted quickly to her new role, providing support for Josh in daily tasks and coping with his PTSD when out in public. Her joyful disposition and unwavering affection made her a hit with nearly everyone she met, despite some initial reservations from people due to her breed, often mislabeled as a pit bull.

Cricket’s transformation from a caged animal to a cherished service dog and beloved friend was profound. She now lives a life filled with love and safety, far removed from the shadows of her past. The bond she shares with Josh is deep, built on mutual understanding and respect without the need for words.