Abandoned Pittie Living Alone 15 Months Starts Trusting Again

Abandoned Pittie Living Alone 15 Months Starts Trusting Again

Dogs are amazing friends. They love us very much and make us happy. But sometimes, dogs need our help too. This is a story about a dog named Mama who needed lots of love and help from people.

Mama was a dog with no home. She lived all alone in a big, empty place with tall trees and lots of grass. Mama was very scared of people. She didn’t understand that not all people are bad. She thought everyone wanted to hurt her, so she always ran away when she saw someone coming.

she lived alone
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

But there was a man named Danny. Danny loved dogs very much. He had helped many dogs find homes where they could be happy and loved. Danny heard about Mama and wanted to help her too.

Danny went to see Mama every day. He brought her yummy food because he knew that Mama might be hungry. At first, Mama was very scared. She would not come close to Danny. But Danny was very patient. He sat quietly and waited for Mama to know he was her friend.

At first, Mama was very scared
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

“Maybe today she’ll trust me a bit more,” Danny would think every day. And people on social media cheered for Danny and Mama. “You’re doing great, Danny! Mama is lucky to have you,” they would say.

Slowly, Mama started to feel that Danny was different. She saw that Danny was kind and patient. One day, she came a little closer to Danny. She took the food and ran away again, but Danny was happy because Mama was starting to trust him.

Danny went to see Mama every day
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

Every day, Danny went back to see Mama. He talked to her softly, telling her she was a good girl and that everything was going to be okay. “I know you’re scared, Mama, but I’m here to help you,” he would say.

He talked to her softly
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

And then, something wonderful happened. Mama started to wag her tail when she saw Danny coming. She knew that Danny was her friend. One day, she even took a treat from Danny’s hand. That was a big day for both Mama and Danny!

Mama started to wag her tail when she saw Danny coming
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

Danny knew that Mama needed a safe home where she could be happy. But catching Mama was not easy because she was still a little scared. So, Danny and his friends made a safe trap with food inside. When Mama went in to eat, they gently closed the door.

“Mama is safe now,” Danny thought. “Now, we can help her find a happy life.”

Mama went to live with Danny for a while. Danny and his friends helped Mama learn that people could be kind and loving. Mama started to play and have fun. She even made friends with a little boy named Ryden. Ryden and Mama loved to play together. Mama felt happy when Ryden was around.

Mama became a happy dog. She learned to trust people again
Source: Abandoned dog Rescued By

After a lot of love and patience, Mama became a happy dog. She learned to trust people again. Danny decided that Mama should stay with him forever. Mama had found her forever home where she was loved and cared for.

The story of Mama shows us that with love and patience, we can help scared and lonely dogs find happiness again. It reminds us to be kind to all animals because they have feelings just like we do. And just like Mama, every dog deserves a chance to be loved and to feel safe.