Blind dog had the worst start to life, & He refused to accept that!

Blind dog had the worst start to life, & He refused to accept that!

Bing Bong, a blind puppy, faced a harsh start when a backyard breeder brought him to a vet’s office at just three weeks old, requesting euthanasia due to his head trauma and blindness. Kim, hearing of Bing Bong’s plight from a vet tech, decided to adopt him. Despite his condition, which might have been caused by an attack from his mother or pre-existing issues, Bing Bong was not deterred. He was tiny, the size of a cell phone, and required constant care, including bottle feeding and help with basic bodily functions.


A Fighter’s Spirit

The initial days were critical, but by the third night, it was clear Bing Bong was here to stay. He was a fighter with a fiery spirit and quickly adapted to his new home. Kim had previous experience with a deaf dog, so adjusting to a blind dog required a shift to more vocal communication. Bing Bong learned to navigate his home well, although furniture had to remain in fixed positions to aid his movement. He grew to be a strong, muscular dog of 78 pounds, who loved playing with noise-making balls—his favorite toy, though it had to be put away by 8 PM to avoid nighttime disturbances.

Bing Bong’s senses were sharp, other than his sight. He could track scents impressively, detecting people who had walked by hours earlier. His ability to possibly detect shadows or just enjoy the warmth of the sun showcased his adaptability. Bing Bong also had a habit of carrying things in his mouth, particularly his blanket, which he brought to bed each night. His playful and gentle nature never led to damaged items; he merely enjoyed the comfort of holding something.

Learning to Enjoy the Moment

Living with Bing Bong taught Kim to appreciate the smaller moments in life. His requirement for slower, more deliberate walks allowed Kim to “stop and smell the roses,” a lesson in patience and enjoyment she hadn’t anticipated. Bing Bong, enjoying every new scent and experience with gusto, helped Kim see life from a different perspective. Despite his rough start, Bing Bong was given a second chance at life, and he made the most of it, enriching the lives of those around him with his resilience and joy.