Blind pit bull found roadside clings to blanket for comfort

Blind pit bull found roadside clings to blanket for comfort

Once upon a time, on the side of a lonely road, a pit bull was found. She was not alone; another dog was by her side. It seemed she had been hit by a car and attacked by an animal. Her eyes were swollen, and she needed urgent medical attention. The kind people who found her took her in, and she had to undergo surgery to remove her eyes.

Her name is Sally, and this is her story.


Halle, a college student, and her family came across Sally’s picture on the SPCA’s website. They decided to meet her, and it was love at first sight. From that moment on, Sally became a cherished member of their family.

Sally is a goofy and chill dog who loves her ball. Halle considers her to be like her child, and Sally shows her love by waiting at her mom’s door every morning, even if her mom isn’t home.

One day, when they brought Sally home, she discovered the comfort of a blanket on the couch. Since then, Sally has developed a fondness for blankets, often chewing on them for comfort. She even knows how to navigate through the house, grabbing blankets from the laundry room and dragging them to her bed.

Despite being blind, Sally is incredibly smart and intuitive. She can differentiate between towels and blankets, showing her preference for the latter. However, loud noises still scare her, causing her to freeze and shake. But with love and comfort from Halle and her family, Sally learns to trust and feel safe.

Sally’s journey hasn’t been easy. As a blind pit bull, she faces judgment and stigma. However, Halle sees beyond Sally’s disabilities and recognizes her kind and gentle nature. Sally may not have the ability to see, but she proves that she’s capable of love and happiness.

In the end, Sally’s story is one of resilience, love, and acceptance. Despite the trauma she endured, she finds solace in the arms of her loving family, knowing that she will always be safe and cherished.