Clingy dog thinks this woman exists just for her

Clingy dog thinks this woman exists just for her

Have you ever met a dog so clingy that they believe you exist solely for them? Meet Tinker, the adorable half boxer, half old English bulldog, who has stolen the heart of her human, Amanda. Their story, captured in a heartwarming video, unveils the unique and unbreakable bond between a pet and their owner.


Amanda, with her infectious energy, introduces us to her beloved companion, Tinker, affectionately calling her “Tinker’s Bubby.” From the very moment Amanda begins to speak, Tinker, true to her clingy nature, tries to steal the spotlight, insisting on being the center of attention.

Tinker’s journey to becoming Amanda’s furry best friend is as unconventional as her personality. Adopted from Craigslist, Tinker found her forever home with Amanda, who instantly fell in love with her “wiggly little face.” Despite her initial doubts about Tinker’s origins, Amanda knew from the moment she laid eyes on her that Tinker was meant to be her dog.

However, Tinker’s clinginess knows no bounds. Whether it’s interrupting work meetings with playful barks or fiercely protecting her neighborhood from perceived threats, Tinker’s presence is always felt. Named after Amanda’s late grandfather, who was affectionately known as Tink, Tinker embodies the spirit of her namesake with her unwavering loyalty and affection.

But Tinker’s quirks don’t end there. With a fear of balloons, a disdain for toenails, and a distaste for her owner’s singing voice, Tinker’s eccentricities only add to her charm. Despite her peculiar fears and health challenges, including nerve pain in her tail, Tinker remains a beacon of love and joy in Amanda’s life.

Their bond is truly one-of-a-kind, with Tinker constantly checking in on Amanda with a paw or a glance to ensure she’s still by her side. Whether it’s snuggling before a busy workday or providing comfort during moments of sadness, Tinker’s unconditional love knows no bounds.

As the video comes to a close, Amanda’s love for Tinker shines through as she declares her furry companion the best dog in the world. And with a final affectionate pat, Tinker reaffirms her place as not just a pet, but a cherished member of the family.

In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty, the story of Tinker and Amanda serves as a reminder of the profound impact our furry friends can have on our lives. Through their unwavering loyalty, boundless affection, and unbreakable bond, Tinker and Amanda exemplify the true meaning of companionship.