Couple Adopts An Obese, Neglected Chihuahua, and Transforms His Life!

Couple Adopts An Obese, Neglected Chihuahua, and Transforms His Life!

The story unfolds with the poignant tale of Theo, an obese chihuahua whose previous owner had passed away, leaving him in a shelter in Texas. Facing imminent euthanasia, Theo’s life took a hopeful turn when Asen and Bren discovered him on Petfinder. Despite his initial sad and unhealthy state, marked by heavy snoring and limited mobility, the couple fell in love with him and decided to adopt him.

Theo’s health was in dire straits; he was extremely overweight, likely due to a diet of fast food, and had numerous health issues ranging from dental problems to joint pain. His first visit to the vet was overwhelming for Asen and Bren, as they learned about the extensive medical care he required. However, determined to improve his quality of life, they committed fully to his recovery.

The couple implemented a strict regimen of diet food and regular walks, cutting out all human food. Despite initial resistance, Theo began to adjust and even started to enjoy his new lifestyle. Moving from Texas to Colorado, he initially disliked the colder climate and snow, but gradually grew to love it.

As Theo lost weight, he became more lively and animated. His personality flourished; he became sassy and began to bark more, showing signs of happiness and vitality that were previously absent. His transformation was so profound that he and his owners celebrated with a road trip to the Grand Canyon and several national parks, which marked a significant turning point in his recovery.

Over a year, Theo lost more than a third of his body weight, dropping from 14.4 pounds to just under 9 pounds. His vets believe an ideal weight would be between 7 and 8 pounds, although his extra skin adds a bit to his weight. This journey not only changed Theo’s life but also deeply affected his owners, especially Brendon, with whom Theo shares a special bond. Witnessing Theo run joyously, a stark contrast to his initial state, is a profoundly emotional experience for Asen and Bren. The story of Theo is a touching reminder of the resilience of animals and the transformative power of love and care in pet rescue.