Deaf dog has the oddest reaction to huskies

Deaf dog has the oddest reaction to huskies

Lauren and Harrison share the unique story of their deaf dog, Mori, who has an unusual reaction to huskies. They describe Mori as constantly needing to be close due to his deafness, leading to him having some peculiar behaviors that sometimes surprise others. They adopted Mori from a rescue called Speak for the Unspoken, though they weren’t specifically looking for a deaf dog. Despite not knowing much about his past, they believe he might have come from an abusive situation in the South, given his fears and reactions.

Mori is very expressive and, when he sees huskies, his bark resembles a loud scream, often mistaken for a woman screaming in a horror film. This reaction has caused bystanders to worry, thinking something might be wrong. At home, Mori’s inability to hear has its advantages, such as staying calm during fireworks or when the doorbell rings. However, it also presents challenges, like being unable to call him back if he wanders off, for which they use a GPS tracker.

Despite these challenges, Mori is full of energy and intelligence. He has learned sign language, which helps him communicate with Lauren and Harrison. He doesn’t like the smell of cleaning products and has a strong dislike for dancing, displaying signs of anxiety for which he takes Prozac. His anxiety has improved, allowing him to be more himself.

Mori is friendly and affectionate once comfortable with someone, as illustrated by him snuggling up to a visitor on their first night. He even has a daily routine of greeting the mailman with enthusiasm. Lauren affectionately calls him “my son,” expressing deep love for Mori, despite his differences. She values him greatly, stating that he is the perfect dog for their family.