Disabled dog is so happy to finally make friends

Disabled dog is so happy to finally make friends

In the heart of Manitoba, Canada, a resilient dog named Otis overcame a traumatic accident. Despite being injured and alone for days, his spirit remained unbroken, and he found a forever home filled with love and companionship.


Otis’s journey began in the Manitoba reserve in Canada where a severe accident left him with a spinal cord injury after being hit by a car. Found in a ditch where he languished for three agonizing days and nights, Otis’s plight caught the attention of the local SA Dog Network, who rescued him and transported him to the Lower Mainland Humane Society in Vancouver for urgent medical treatment.

Upon his arrival, Otis was embraced by his first foster mom, who provided a warm and loving environment, helping him to recover from his trauma. Later, a second foster mom took over his care, and she became so attached to Otis that she adopted him, becoming his forever mom.

Despite his special needs, Otis doesn’t appear to be a disabled dog at first glance. He radiates happiness and contentment, living fully in the present. However, Otis does exhibit food aggression, likely stemming from his days without food and his survival instincts during his time alone in the ditch. This aggression doesn’t extend to toys, showing that his issues are very specific to his past trauma.

Otis has shown remarkable resilience and strength. He is now in excellent health, often surprising the vets with his robust condition during checkups. He thrives in the company of the other four dogs in his new home, demonstrating his love for being part of a pack.

His story is not just a tale of recovery, but also an inspiring lesson in forgiveness and resilience. Otis teaches those around him about bravery and the beauty of each new day, regardless of past hardships. His adoptive mom expresses profound gratitude for the lessons Otis imparts about living courageously and joyfully, recognizing how special it is to have him as part of their family.

In summary, Otis, a disabled dog, teaches resilience and joy after finding his forever home.