Dog Chasing After A Person Collecting Garbage, Begging To Be Taken Home, Is Finally Rescued

Dog Chasing After A Person Collecting Garbage, Begging To Be Taken Home, Is Finally Rescued

On a quiet morning in the bustling city, as the sun barely peeked through the high-rise buildings, a small black dog found itself next to a trash can. Initially, it seemed like the dog was following an elderly person collecting scrap, perhaps someone it recognized. But as the person pushed the cart away, the reality set in—the dog was alone. Its old owner wasn’t coming back.

Undeterred, the dog chased after the cart with hope, but it was soon left behind, staring helplessly as the distance grew. The scene was heart-wrenching—a homeless stray longing for a companion.

That’s when I noticed him. As I called out, the dog’s demeanor changed instantly. It ran towards me, its tail wagging, sniffing me as if confirming a friend, not just any friend, but a new beginning. It was as if it decided right there to adopt me. It simply lay down and refused to move, as if saying, “I’m yours now.”

Finding no suitable box, I placed the dog in my bike basket. It shivered, overwhelmed by the newness of it all. We tried a bit of fried rice, which it awkwardly nibbled at, but didn’t enjoy. At home, it had its first bath, and its fur, particularly the white on its limbs and chest, fluffed up amusingly. Everyone who saw it was charmed by its intelligence and cuteness. It quickly adapted, using a slipper as a pillow and cuddling its paws while sleeping.

As the days passed, “Qianduoduo,” as I named him, began to reveal more of his personality. He was curious, timid around other dogs but extremely sociable with people. Despite his timidity, Qianduoduo showed a surprising bravery. One day, while on a walk, we passed a pavilion with a statue of the Bodhisattva. Qianduoduo stopped, sat down earnestly, and seemed to offer thanks, perhaps for this second chance at life.

Time flew, and it’s been a month since Qianduoduo joined my family. He’s grown not just in size but in confidence, his coat shinier and his eyes brighter. Every day, he reminds me of the joy of serendipitous meetings and the bond that can grow from a single act of kindness. As I look at him, I’m grateful he chose me, hopeful for many joyful years ahead.