Dog living in cage has incredible response when she steps on grass

Dog living in cage has incredible response when she steps on grass

In 2019, Maya, a dog who had spent two years in a dog meat cage in South Korea, was rescued by Korean Canine Rescue. This touching tale unfolds as Maya transitions from a life of confinement to one of freedom and joy in the United States.


Maya’s journey began in a grim and confining cage where she spent two long years alongside her brother. A local news reporter discovered her plight and alerted the Korean Canine Rescue, who negotiated her release and transferred her to a local shelter. After a year of waiting, Maya was fortunate enough to be sponsored for relocation to the United States. At an adoption event in New York, Mandy met Maya and decided to bring her into her family.

Adjusting to her new life was challenging for Maya. Initially shy and nervous, she spent much of her time secluded in her own space, gradually venturing out as curiosity overcame her fears. The sight of a television, for instance, was initially frightening for her, having never encountered one before. Despite her trepidation, Maya began to slowly acclimate to her new surroundings.

A significant breakthrough came when Maya experienced the outdoors in her new home’s yard. For the first time, she displayed bursts of joyful energy—known as the “Zoomies”—indicating her happiness and growing comfort. Her interactions with another dog named Finn, who seemed to instinctively understand her past traumas, also played a crucial role in her rehabilitation.

It took nearly two years for Maya to fully attach to her new family and build confidence. Her progress was remarkable; she not only adapted to her new life but also seemed to understand English commands better than any other dog her family had known. The transformation from a fearful, reserved dog to one brimming with energy and excitement each day was profound.

Today, Maya lives a fulfilled life, eagerly anticipating her family’s return whenever they leave home. Her brother, too, found a happy home in Queens, symbolizing a new beginning for both. Reflecting on Maya’s journey from potential despair to a life filled with love and security evokes deep emotional responses from Mandy, who prefers to focus on the positive transformation rather than dwell on what might have been.