Dog Loves Doing Zoomies To Show His Mom How Much He Missed Her

Dog Loves Doing Zoomies To Show His Mom How Much He Missed Her

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. They are always happy to see us and love spending time with us. In our story today, we will talk about a dog named Pony and his mom, Ruchi Vikas.

Pony is a very special dog. He lives in a place called Farmingdale in New York with his mom, Ruchi. Every day, Ruchi has to go to work. She is an essential worker, which means her job is very important. She helps lots of people. But this means she has to leave Pony alone at home.

rucchi job is very important
Source: RuchiandPony

When Ruchi comes back from work, Pony gets very, very excited. He does something called “zoomies.” Zoomies are when dogs run around really fast because they are so happy. Pony runs all over their apartment to show Ruchi how much he missed her.

they love very much
Source: RuchiandPony

One time, when Ruchi went to pick up Pony from a place called daycare, Pony jumped so high, he could almost see over the door. He was looking to see if Ruchi was coming to get him. Even though Ruchi picks him up every day, Pony always looks for her.

Max sat by the window
Source: RuchiandPony

On the car ride home, Pony is very quiet. But as soon as they get home, the zoomies start. He runs everywhere, showing Ruchi all his love.

Ruchi says, “Pony is great to come home to. I love my job, but leaving him alone is hard.”

Before Pony and Ruchi found each other, Pony lived in a shelter in Farmingdale. He was very small and didn’t have much weight. But he was always a loving and happy dog.

Ruchi had a hard time before she met Pony. She was very sad because of a loss. She was also very busy because she was learning to be a doctor. But she needed a friend, and so did Pony.

Ruchi wasn’t sure if she could take care of Pony because she was so busy. But she knew they needed each other. So, she decided to adopt Pony.

Emma and her very special dog
Source: RuchiandPony

Ruchi said, “Training and traveling with Pony helped us become best friends.”

They tried doing yoga together, but Pony didn’t like it much. However, they learned that spending time together was the most important thing.

Ruchi learned that you can’t plan everything in life. She thought she had to wait for the perfect time to get a dog. But if she had waited, she would never have met Pony.

“Pony and I are best friends. He makes every day better,” said Ruchi.

rucchi and ponny
Source: RuchiandPony

On social media, people love hearing about Pony and Ruchi. One person said, “Pony’s zoomies are the cutest thing ever!” Another person wrote, “Ruchi and Pony are perfect together. It’s like they were meant to find each other.”

Even members of the rescue team that helped Pony find a home with Ruchi shared their thoughts. One said, “Seeing Pony and Ruchi together warms my heart. It’s like they were meant to be.”

Pony and Ruchi’s story shows us how important it is to have friends and family. No matter how busy we are, having someone to share our lives with makes everything better.

So, even though Ruchi is very busy, she always makes time for Pony. And Pony shows her every day how much he loves her with his zoomies and cuddles.

And that’s the story of Pony and Ruchi, best friends forever.