Dog rejected by chihuahua finds a new home

Dog rejected by chihuahua finds a new home

When Victoria first laid eyes on Nori, it was under circumstances neither would have wished for. Nori, a sprightly dog with an indefinable charm, had been living with a family that owned a chihuahua. Despite their hopes, the chihuahua was not at all pleased with Nori’s presence. The family had initially brought Nori home to provide companionship for their chihuahua while they were away during the day. Unfortunately, the chihuahua reacted negatively, clearly unhappy and unable to form a bond with Nori. The tension between the two pets grew to the point where Nori’s presence was no longer tenable.


A Difficult Decision

Victoria recounts how she came to adopt Nori. The previous owner, a lady, was visibly distressed about giving up Nori. It was apparent she cared deeply for her but recognized that the current living arrangement wasn’t beneficial for any party involved. “When we picked her up, the lady was a mess,” Victoria shared, “You could tell she didn’t want to really give her up but knew it was the best option.” On arriving at her new home, Nori was tentative, sniffing around with her tail between her legs. The transition was slow, but eventually, Nori began to adjust to her new environment.

Unleashing Potential

Nori’s personality began to shine as she settled into her new home. With what Victoria describes as “shield springs for legs,” Nori bounced around with the energy of a trampoline repurposed into dog form. Her unique look drew attention and curiosity from passersby, some of whom wondered if she resembled a baby kangaroo or a deer rather than a dog. At home, she was a whirlwind of activity. Victoria, who worked from home, often found herself both frustrated and amused by Nori’s antics. “She’s just zooming around while I’m trying to call, and just squeaky toys going on. I get mad for one second then I’m like I can’t even—you’re just the funniest thing I’ve ever seen,” she laughs.

Despite her petite size, Nori was a force of nature. Described as an “absolute maniac” by Victoria, her agility and speed were astonishing. She moved with such precision that she seemed to float through the air, avoiding obstacles effortlessly. At the park, she transformed into a bullet, her rapid movements leaving her new canine companion, Lee, often speechless and giving up on trying to match her pace.

Lee, Victoria’s roommate’s dog, was much larger than Nori, weighing around 38 pounds compared to Nori’s eight and a half. Despite his size, Lee wasn’t much for cuddling, but he tolerated Nori’s affectionate nature. The two dogs developed a unique bond, with Nori feeling most secure on elevated surfaces, likely owing to her awareness of her swift capabilities.

Joy in Every Moment

The impact Nori had on Victoria’s life was profound. Every morning, Nori brought laughter and joy, no matter the challenges the day might hold. “She’s the funniest person in the morning,” Victoria notes, “I thought I’d get such a weird, quirky dog. That even exists, blown her a million times.” The bond they shared grew stronger each day, with Victoria finding it hard to remember a time when her days weren’t filled with the humor and light that Nori brought into her home.

In just a few months, Nori’s presence had turned what could have been an ordinary, quiet existence into one filled with unexpected delights and the constant buzz of energy. For Victoria, adopting Nori wasn’t just about giving a home to a pet in need but about embracing the unexpected joys that come with pet ownership. Her days were now shorter on stress and longer on laughter, a testament to the adage that sometimes, the best things in life come in small, dynamic packages.