Dog was dumped because he has allergies

Dog was dumped because he has allergies

In an emotional tale of rescue and love, Rocky, a dog with allergies, finds his forever home after being abandoned. His new family, touched by his gentle nature and struggles with allergies, adopts him and embraces the challenges, enriching their lives forever.


Rocky, a large dog with environmental and food allergies, was given up by his previous owners due to his health issues. His story begins when Ms. Janelle, an experienced foster parent who had already taken care of over 20 litters of kittens, stumbled upon his picture on Instagram. It was posted by the Rhode Island SPCA, and feeling an instant connection, she decided to foster him.

In Ms. Janelle’s home, Rocky demonstrated an incredible gentleness and patience with the numerous kittens she fostered. Notably, a calico kitten and an orange cat named Cheddar, who were frequently overlooked for adoption, found a special friend in Rocky. The calico kitten, in particular, formed a unique bond with him, always seeking his company and comfort. Observing their interactions, Ms. Janelle’s son fell in love with Cheddar and decided to adopt him. This adoption worked out perfectly as Cheddar, like the calico kitten, was very attached to Rocky.

Despite the common misconceptions about his breed being aggressive, Rocky’s demeanor proved otherwise. He was likened to Gizmo from “Gremlins” due to his expressive ears and small, sparse set of teeth. Managing Rocky’s allergies became a part of their routine, involving consultations with a holistic veterinarian and avoiding commercial food, which helped pinpoint and manage his sensitivities effectively.

Adopted in 2019, Rocky has since become an irreplaceable member of the family. Ms. Janelle admits that since adopting him, she hasn’t taken a vacation without him, as she cannot bear to leave him behind. She considers adopting Rocky the best decision she ever made, claiming he completed their family and improved their lives immensely. Rocky is not just a pet; he’s a cherished family member who Ms. Janelle would do anything for.