Family baffled as puppy grows to look like this

Family baffled as puppy grows to look like this

Carly recalls the moment her family first encountered Mugsy at a Petco rescue event. At just ten years old, she was instantly captivated by the small, pure white puppy with bright blue eyes, curled up asleep. Mugsy’s peaceful demeanor and striking appearance led them to adopt him on the spot, with hopes he would grow into a beautiful white lab. However, Mugsy’s features developed uniquely, sporting a prominent underbite and bulging eyes, which Carly lovingly describes as a face “only a mother would love.”


Discovering Mugsy’s Quirks

As Mugsy grew, it became clear he was unlike any other dog. Despite his unusual looks, with teeth peculiarly arrayed and eyes that seemed to pop, Mugsy’s charm was undeniable. Carly shares that Mugsy wasn’t raised by his mother, which is poignant considering he was found in an abandoned home with his sister and father. The siblings shared a striking resemblance, and finding Mugsy’s sister later on was a joyful reunion for the family.

Health-wise, Mugsy faced challenges like hypothyroidism, which made it difficult for him to lose weight. Fortunately, a combination of medication and a specialized diet helped manage his condition effectively. Carly highlights Mugsy’s loving nature, noting his affection and the comedic relief he brings into their lives with his funny quirks and howling when left alone.

A Soulful Connection

Mugsy’s need for security is evident in his preference for sleeping in snug, enclosed spaces. Carly ensured his comfort by providing a teepee-like cover where he could curl up, which she finds adorable. For Carly, Mugsy is more than just a pet; he is a soulful companion, her “soul dog.” She protects him fiercely, ensuring that everyone treats him with kindness. Mugsy’s unique looks often draw surprised reactions from onlookers, but for Carly, he’s simply adorable and a source of joy and laughter in their lives.