Fenix couldn’t walk like other dogs, So he invented a new way to walk!

Fenix couldn’t walk like other dogs, So he invented a new way to walk!

Meet Fenix, a special dog with a big heart and an even bigger personality. Fenix has a condition called cerebellar hyperplasia, which means his cerebellum, the part of his brain that controls movement, didn’t form properly when he was little. But don’t let that fool you, Fenix is full of joy, freedom, and ridiculousness.

Fenix was dropped off at a kill shelter along with his sister, Nubei, who shares the same condition. They were both in bad shape, unable to stand up and emaciated. But fate had other plans for Fenix and Nubei when the shelter contacted “I Stand With My Pack,” an organization dedicated to helping animals in need.


With love and care, Fenix and Nubei’s health improved, and soon Fenix found a loving foster family who eventually adopted him. Despite his challenges, Fenix didn’t let anything hold him back. He couldn’t run without falling down or walk in a straight line, but as he grew older, he became more coordinated and effective in his movements.

Fenix’s zest for life is infectious. He greets people and other dogs with sweetness, kindness, and playfulness. Other dogs seem to understand Fenix’s unique situation and form a special bond with him, showing kindness and consideration in their interactions.

Fenix’s daily routine includes five walks, which he absolutely loves. He eagerly waits by the front door, excited for his next adventure. His love for walks is a testament to his spirit and determination to embrace life to the fullest.

Through Fenix, his human companions have learned valuable lessons about love, resilience, and living in the moment. Animals like Fenix are a reminder of the joy and simplicity of life, teaching us to appreciate each moment and cherish the ones we love.

In the end, Fenix’s story isn’t just about overcoming obstacles; it’s about finding joy and gratitude in every moment, no matter the circumstances. He may be a dog with special needs, but to his family, he’s simply their beloved Fenix, bringing endless love and happiness into their lives.