Filmmakers Opt to Save Stray Puppies Abandoned in the Dessert

Filmmakers Opt to Save Stray Puppies Abandoned in the Dessert

Dogs are the best friends anyone could have. They make you smile, feel loved, and are always there for you. This story is about how some filmmakers, who were making a show in a faraway place, found two little puppies that needed help.

The filmmakers were in Mexico, working hard on their show. One day, they saw something surprising: two small puppies, all alone in the desert. The puppies seemed lost and scared. When the puppies climbed into one of the filmmaker’s laps, it was like they were saying, “Help us, please.” And that’s exactly what the filmmakers decided to do.

Directors Opt to Save Stray Puppies During Overseas Filming 5
Source: The Dodo (YouTube)

Even though they were very busy with their work, the filmmakers knew they had to help these puppies. They had a big problem, though. Their time in Mexico was almost up because their visas, which are like special permission to stay in another country, were going to expire in three weeks. They wanted to take the puppies back home with them to Switzerland, but it was very, very hard to do that.

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Source: The Dodo (YouTube)

So, they thought of another plan. They decided to look for a special place that takes care of lost puppies and dogs, a place that could help these two little ones. Even though the puppies had fleas and were dirty, they were still healthy. After giving them a bath, they looked a bit cleaner and happier.

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Source: The Dodo (YouTube)

The first time the filmmakers saw the puppies playing and having fun, they felt so relieved and happy. They knew they had done the right thing. The puppies even had the chance to swim in a beautiful water place called an oasis and walk in the mountains with cowboys. It was like the perfect place for them to grow, learn, and have fun.

But time was running out. With only one week left before they had to leave Mexico, finding a rescue place for the puppies became the most important thing for the filmmakers. They tried very hard, contacting many organizations, but no one was able to help.

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Source: The Dodo (YouTube)

Just three days before they had to fly back home, they finally found a place called Dog Prom. It was their last hope. They drove for three hours to get there, feeling very worried the whole time. Leaving the puppies there would be very hard, but they hoped it was the best for them.

When they arrived at Dog Prom, they were amazed. It was a wonderful place full of happy puppies running around. They knew this was the right place for their two little friends. They felt sad to leave them but also relieved that the puppies would be safe and well taken care of.

Directors Opt to Save Stray Puppies During Overseas Filming 4
Source: The Dodo (YouTube)

The next day, the filmmakers flew back to Switzerland. Even though they were sad to leave the puppies, they felt good inside knowing they had helped them. They kept getting updates and saw pictures of the puppies looking clean, healthy, and happy. It was a beautiful ending to their adventure with the puppies. They knew they had made a big difference in the lives of these two little dogs, and that made the whole journey worth it.