Man’s bond with his senior deaf dog is unlike any other

Man’s bond with his senior deaf dog is unlike any other

Frankie’s story is a touching tale of companionship and lifelong loyalty between a man and his senior, now-deaf dog. Luke rescued Frankie, a small dog from New Orleans, just after Hurricane Gustav. Frankie, who is almost 15 years old and lives with Luke in Houston, Texas, has brought joy and helped other rescue dogs like Dino become better adjusted. Despite his age and health challenges, Frankie’s spirit remains playful and affectionate, embodying the bond that can form between humans and their pets.


Frankie was a tiny, vulnerable dog when Luke decided to rescue him from the aftermath of Hurricane Gustav in New Orleans. Weighing only five or six pounds, Frankie caught Luke’s attention through a photograph on a local rescue’s website. Determined to save him, Luke arranged for Frankie to be flown to Ohio, where he was living at the time. The moment they met, Luke embraced Frankie, welcoming him to his new home and life.

Now residing in Houston, Texas, Frankie has aged, becoming deaf and arthritic, but his playful nature endures. Originally named “Playful” by the rescue, Luke later regretted changing his name as it perfectly suited Frankie’s enduring spirit. Frankie’s companionship also significantly impacted another rescue dog, Dino, who lived with them for ten years and improved greatly due to Frankie’s influence.

Frankie’s life is full of cherished routines and special moments. Despite his deafness, which occurred three years ago, he used to enjoy music, particularly Bach and Wagner, indicating his deep connection to Luke’s daily rituals. Frankie’s condition hasn’t dampened his social spirit; he relishes interactions with people and other dogs, often seeking physical contact, which reassures him in his silent world.

As Frankie has grown older, his appearance has changed, reflecting his wisdom and gentle nature. He still enjoys his walks, albeit shorter than his youthful escapades, and continues to celebrate his birthday on July 5th with neighborhood drives, allowing people to admire and pet him.

Luke reflects emotionally on their time together whenever he visits the airport where he first picked up Frankie, reminiscing about their years together and the profound impact Frankie has had on his life. He cherishes every moment with Frankie, acknowledging the inevitable but focusing on the beautiful bond they share.