Nobody wanted this dog. So this woman took him home.

Nobody wanted this dog. So this woman took him home.

In a heartwarming turn of events, a woman adopts a dog destined for euthanasia.


When Tiffany first encountered Noodle, he was a stray at a shelter, unclaimed and facing euthanasia due to a rare degenerative brain disease that affected his mobility and caused him to faint. Despite the grim prognosis, Tiffany saw a different future for Noodle. She was prepared for hospice care, thinking she might only have a few weeks with him, but she was determined to provide him with dignity and kindness in his final days.

However, Noodle’s story took a hopeful turn once he was in a stable and loving home. Not only did he survive, but he thrived under Tiffany’s care. When Noodle arrived, he was severely underweight at 60 pounds, but after substantial care and nutrition, he gained weight, reaching a healthy 85 pounds. Tiffany made several adjustments to her home to accommodate Noodle’s needs, such as lowering her bed and couch to enable him easier access and creating a quiet, safe space for him with blackout curtains and a little fan.

Despite his condition, which is exacerbated by excitement, Tiffany maintains a predictable environment for Noodle to minimize his stress. They even visited the beach during quieter hours, and Tiffany supports him with a special harness that helps him navigate more challenging activities like climbing stairs.

The joy Noodle brought to Tiffany’s life is immeasurable, especially during a time when she and her family were grieving the loss of another beloved pet. Noodle, with his gentle and loving nature, helped them heal. Tiffany, who has been involved in senior and hospice dog care for over five years, finds solace in the difference she makes in the lives of dogs like Noodle, despite the challenges involved.