Owner left this dog behind when moving from their apartment

Owner left this dog behind when moving from their apartment

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Ranger. Ranger had a little doggy cold, and because of this, he was going to be put down. But Ranger’s story was just beginning.


He was discovered in an empty apartment after the people who lived there moved away. The kind folks who found him took him to an animal control center in New York City. They were worried he might make other animals sick, so they decided he should be put down.

But then, along came Kelsey, a volunteer at the center. Kelsey said, “No way! I’ll take him home.” And that’s exactly what she did. She decided to foster Ranger and created an Instagram account to share his journey.

Kelsey fell in love with Ranger instantly. She thought he looked like a cartoon character, so cute and adorable. She even felt like he was meant to be her dog, even though she lived all the way in Canada.

But things didn’t go as planned. Ranger was adopted by someone else, but it turned out not to be the right fit. So, Kelsey reached out again, and Ranger came back to her.

A plan was made to get Ranger to his new forever home. Kelsey flew with him to Seattle, and from there, Ranger’s new owner drove for hours to pick him up.

Since then, Ranger has been a beloved member of his new family for a year and a half. He has a daily routine of finding the perfect stick, loves his two cat siblings, and brings so much joy to everyone he meets.

Ranger is a big advocate for pit bulls, showing everyone that they can be gentle giants. He especially adores children and loves going on adventures with his new owner.

In the end, Ranger found his perfect home and became the perfect addition to his family. It’s a heartwarming tale of rescue and love, showing that every dog deserves a second chance at happiness.