People call him the ‘ugliest dog.’ Here’s what his mom thinks about him!

People call him the ‘ugliest dog.’ Here’s what his mom thinks about him!

Meet Tripp, a special dog who defies expectations and embodies the true meaning of beauty in the eyes of his loving mom, Heather. Despite being labeled as the ‘ugliest dog’ by some, Heather sees nothing but beauty in her furry companion.

Tripp, with his endearing snoring and eyes wide open, may not fit the conventional standards of beauty, but to Heather, he is a sight to behold. With his exposed bottom teeth and a nose resembling that of a cartoon character, Tripp’s unique appearance only adds to his charm.


Tripp’s journey began when Heather decided to foster dogs for NorCal Bully Breed Rescue. When she was approached to take care of Tripp, who was born with a cleft palate, Heather didn’t hesitate to welcome him into her home. Despite his health challenges, including the need for careful feeding, Tripp has thrived under Heather’s care.

From the moment Tripp entered Heather’s home, he asserted his presence with confidence, proving that he is more than his physical appearance. With his tail wagging and a spring in his step, Tripp embraces life with enthusiasm, knowing that he is loved unconditionally.

Tripp shares his home with Tilly, a miniature Australian shepherd, and Paco, a small chuwini. Together, they form a happy pack, with Tilly taking on the role of the leader. Despite the occasional negative comments about his appearance, Tripp brings joy to those around him, serving as a reminder that beauty comes in all forms.

Heather and her daughter take every opportunity to educate others about embracing differences and showing kindness towards all living beings. Tripp’s unique appearance may draw attention, but it is his loving nature and unwavering spirit that truly make him perfect in the eyes of his family.

In a world where appearance often dictates perception, Tripp’s story serves as a heartwarming reminder that true beauty lies within, and that every being deserves to be celebrated for who they are. So, the next time you see Tripp trotting down the street with his tail wagging, remember that he is not just a dog – he is a testament to the power of love and acceptance.