People don’t like Ted because he’s a pit bull, His mom wants to change that!

People don’t like Ted because he’s a pit bull, His mom wants to change that!

Have you ever judged someone or something based on their appearance, only to realize later that you were wrong? This is the story of Ted, a pit bull, and his journey to change people’s perceptions.

Ted’s mom, Pam, has witnessed firsthand the unfair treatment her beloved dog faces simply because of his breed. People often make aggressive and hateful comments about Ted just because he’s a pit bull. But Pam knows better. She sees beyond Ted’s appearance to the loving and curious soul inside.


Ted is not just any dog; he’s Pam’s companion, her confidant. They share an unspoken bond that allows them to understand each other without words. Pam describes Ted as inquisitive, always eager to explore and understand his surroundings.

Pam’s journey with pit bulls started when she adopted another dog named Lullaby. Through Lullaby, Pam discovered the joy of rescuing and caring for animals. This newfound passion led her to volunteer, and eventually, Ted and his sister came into her life.

When Pam first laid eyes on Ted, he was a tiny, fragile puppy with a disproportionately large head and floppy ears. She fostered him and his sister, but Ted never left. He quickly became a permanent member of the family.

However, Ted’s early days were not without challenges. He faced a serious health issue that required surgery. Pam, being a nurse, was familiar with healthcare decisions, but seeing her little Ted in pain was heart-wrenching. Despite the financial burden, Pam spared no expense to ensure Ted’s well-being.

As Ted grew, so did the bond between him and Pam. He may look intimidating to some, but to Pam, he’s a gentle giant with a heart of gold. Ted is not just a pet; he’s family.

Despite the stereotypes surrounding pit bulls, Pam refuses to let them define Ted. She believes in providing him with love, training, and a nurturing environment to thrive. Through dedication and patience, Pam has shown the world the true nature of pit bulls – loving, loyal, and deserving of a chance.

As Pam kisses Ted’s head, she knows that their journey together has only just begun. Ted may be a pit bull, but he’s also a symbol of hope, breaking stereotypes one wagging tail at a time.

In a world quick to judge, Pam and Ted’s story serves as a reminder to look beyond appearances and embrace the beauty within. After all, love knows no breed.