Puppy with Unique Condition Found at Shelter Doorstep with Touching Note from Child 2

Puppy with Unique Condition Found at Shelter Doorstep with Touching Note from Child

Dogs are amazing friends. They wag their tails, give us kisses, and make us laugh. But sometimes, dogs need help to find a family who loves them a lot. This is a story about a very special dog named Qwerty.

Qwerty was different from other dogs because he had a condition that made his back very short. But even though he looked different, he was just as sweet and playful as any other dog.

One day, Qwerty was found sitting outside a place called a shelter. This is a place where people take care of dogs without homes. Next to him was a note that seemed like it was written by a kid.

It said, “I love my dog. Please don’t hit him. It’s a boy.”

Source: Instagram

The people who found Qwerty could tell he was loved but needed someone who could understand how to take care of him because of his special back.

So, the shelter people called a kind lady named Nikki who is part of a group called Roadogs Rescue. Nikki loves helping dogs like Qwerty.

She said, “When I heard about Qwerty, I knew we had to help him find a perfect home.”

Nikki decided to take care of Qwerty herself at first. She wanted to learn all about him and how to make him happy. Qwerty was a friendly dog who liked to wag his tail and give kisses. He didn’t let his short back stop him from having fun.

Puppy with Unique Condition Found at Shelter Doorstep with Touching Note from Child 3
Source: Instagram

“Qwerty fits right in! He loves playing and going on walks,” Nikki shared on social media, showing pictures of Qwerty having a great time.

Qwerty enjoyed playing with other dogs, going to the beach, and chasing after balls. Even though there were some things he couldn’t do, like jump up on the couch, he was happy.

qwerty with friends
Source: Instagram


Soon, it was time for Qwerty to find a family to live with forever. And guess what? A wonderful family in Florida saw pictures of Qwerty and fell in love with him. They already had a dog named Cuda who was just like Qwerty. They knew they had to make him part of their family.

Cuda who was just like Qwerty
Source: Instagram

The family said, “We can’t believe how much Qwerty looks like our Cuda. It’s like they’re long-lost siblings!”

When Qwerty met his new family, he felt right at home. He played with his new dog brothers and sisters and loved his human family very much.

Puppy with Unique Condition Found at Shelter Doorstep with Touching Note from Child 2
Source: Instagram

His new family was so happy to have him. They said, “Qwerty is part of our family now and forever. We’re so glad he was found and rescued. Now, he has a home with us.

Now, Qwerty lives a very happy life. He meets new friends, plays with his dog siblings, and is loved by so many people. His family shares stories of his adventures online, showing how happy and loved he is.

Once, Qwerty didn’t have a home, but now he’s the happiest dog with the shortest spine and the biggest heart in the world. And everyone who meets him can’t help but love him too.