Rescue dog just wants everyone to love her

Rescue dog just wants everyone to love her

Shrim, the rescue dog, has a story that tugs at the heartstrings. Found as a stray, her affectionate nature hinted that she must have once belonged to a loving home. Jen and her husband adopted Shrim three years ago from Wags and Walks rescue in Los Angeles. When Shrim came into their lives, she was severely underweight, but she quickly adapted to her new home, which Jen humorously describes as a “mini Zoo.”

Their household is a lively mix of animals, including a bearded dragon named Fred Savage, who Jen jokes is the “brains behind the operation.” Shrim and Fred have a unique bond, with Fred enjoying sitting on Shrim’s warm back. Shrim also has a canine companion named Wilbur, who, despite not necessarily enjoying the title, is affectionately known as “Shrim’s man.”

Among their furry friends is a guinea pig named Fat Lou, who Shrim adores as her best friend. Jen shares how Shrim sees Fat Lou as her equal, despite their size difference. Despite Shrim’s imposing appearance as a “gentle giant” with a head that looks like it could burst through walls, she’s a sweetheart who loves attention.

Jen describes the scene when guests visit, with Wilbur demanding attention while Shrim eagerly waits to climb on laps and shower guests with affection. They even have “salad time,” where all the animals, including Shrim, enjoy munching on veggies together. To Jen, this peculiar family dynamic feels perfectly normal, but she acknowledges how strange it might seem to outsiders.

Despite initial nervousness about providing the right environment for Shrim, Jen and her husband have found that Shrim is the epitome of happiness, innocence, and love. Shrim’s playful nature includes mimicking Jen’s actions, even attempting to wear makeup. However, Shrim’s true favorite is Jen’s husband, who she adores staring into his eyes, leaving Jen to jokingly accept her place in the family hierarchy.