Sensitive chihuahua makes sad face when mom laughs at him

Sensitive chihuahua makes sad face when mom laughs at him

Kevin is not your average chihuahua. Described by his owner, Jahan, as a “unicorn of a chihuahua,” he bears an uncanny resemblance to a fuzzy, furry football with drumstick-like legs. His unique appearance and charming personality make him stand out. Kevin was named by Jahan’s husband, a name that they felt just seemed to fit perfectly.

Kevin lives with his “sister,” a gentle giant of a dog who is only a year older than him. She towers over him but allows Kevin to dominate their interactions, showcasing their amusing and endearing relationship. Despite his small size and unique looks that hint at some pug ancestry, Kevin is all chihuahua, complete with the breed’s characteristic spunk and energy—although in very short bursts.


Daily Life and Challenges

Kevin’s days are filled with love and a bit of laziness. He enjoys being held like a baby and is not keen on exerting himself more than necessary. Playtime for Kevin involves fetching and other games, but these activities are usually short-lived due to his quick exhaustion. His attitude comes to the forefront when he wants something—be it more food, playtime, or just to be picked up and cuddled.

One peculiar challenge for Kevin is his dislike of wooden floors. This aversion persists despite regular nail trims from the groomer, leading him to scurry away from wooden surfaces in his home. Fortunately, Jahan works from home, allowing her to spend the entire day with Kevin, which they both enjoy immensely. This constant companionship allows Kevin to feel secure and loved, never truly alone.

Health Concerns and Family Life

Health-wise, Kevin faces some challenges, primarily with his weight. He should ideally weigh between six and seven pounds, but he tips the scales at eight pounds. Despite multiple diets and consultations with his vet, significant weight loss remains elusive. His activity level—or lack thereof—is deemed the main culprit. Jahan and her family have tried various diet foods since last January, hoping to find one that helps Kevin shed some extra weight without compromising his happiness or health.

Despite these challenges, Kevin is adored by his family. He shares a special bond with Jahan, who considers him her “baby,” though he is also well-loved by her husband and kids. Kevin’s presence in the family is cherished, and the thought of ever being without him brings a mix of emotions to everyone, especially Jahan.

In the heart of his family, Kevin remains a source of joy and laughter, his quirks only deepening the love they have for him. Whether he is making a sad face when laughed at, or simply enjoying the warmth of being held, Kevin the chihuahua continues to be a beloved, furry member of his family.