Shelter dog has heartbreaking response when taken outside

Shelter dog has heartbreaking response when taken outside

Florian and Catherine are a couple who experienced the heartbreaking loss of a child. As a form of distraction, they decided to explore the possibility of adopting a dog. While browsing through pictures at an animal shelter, they came across a photo of Fosto, a dog with a desperate expression that immediately resonated with them. Fosto had been previously placed in a Slovakian shelter by a family, and his background suggested he was probably removed early from his mother, lacking proper early bonding. Eventually, Fosto ended up in a Swiss animal shelter, where Florian and Catherine found him.


Despite building a connection with him right from the start, it became apparent that Fosto was overwhelmingly afraid of many things, including lights, bicycles, cars, airplanes, and even water. His fear was so intense that he seemed like he had never experienced the outside world before. The couple faced challenges with Fosto’s anxiety, which prompted them to take him on a vacation to help him relax and explore without fear.

Over time, and with lots of patience and understanding, Fosto began to adjust. He showed an ability to learn quickly, understanding boundaries such as staying away from Catherine’s mother’s face. Fosto also displayed affection and a desire to make decisions, although he sometimes reverted to fearful behaviors when overwhelmed.

Fosto’s journey of adjustment included therapy and support, which helped him manage his fears better, allowing him to accompany Florian and Catherine to various public places. Fosto developed a routine where he enjoyed burying bones, visiting local retirement homes, and forming a special bond with the elderly residents. At home, he found comfort in sleeping in Catherine’s arms and playfully interacting with Florian.

Fosto’s story is a heartwarming tale of how a shelter dog with a challenging start was able to overcome his fears with the help of a loving couple who themselves were healing from their own personal loss. Their mutual need for support and understanding fostered a deep bond that enriched all their lives.