Sherman was old, smelled bad and cost $30,000, This man Knew he is special!

Sherman was old, smelled bad and cost $30,000, This man Knew he is special!

Sherman was a special dog, not in the traditional sense of being perfectly groomed and pristine, but in his own unique way. We first met Sherman at a dog rescue event, where his sheer size and quirky appearance immediately caught our attention. He was older, smelled bad, and had physical quirks like thick elbow patches and missing fur, but there was something endearing about him.


Despite his rough exterior, Sherman craved love and affection. When we took him home, he leaned into being petted, showing his longing for care and attention. It was evident that he had faced hardship in the past, but we were determined to give him a better life.

As Sherman settled into our home, he bonded with our other dogs and gradually grew more comfortable around new people. Despite his fears and health issues, including surgeries and costly medical care, Sherman brought immense joy into our lives. He wasn’t just a dog; he was a beloved member of our family, enchanting everyone he met with his gentle nature.

As Sherman aged, his health deteriorated, and caring for him became more challenging. We built custom stairs to help him move around, but it was clear that his time with us was limited. When he lost his remaining eye and was in constant pain, we knew it was time to say goodbye.

On the day of Sherman’s passing, we surrounded him with love, feeding him his favorite treats and comforting him until the end. Saying goodbye was heart-wrenching, but we found solace in knowing that Sherman was no longer suffering.

In the quiet of the vet’s office, Sherman peacefully slipped away, leaving behind memories of unconditional love and companionship. As we drove home, the emptiness of the car served as a painful reminder of his absence.

Sherman may have been an imperfect dog, but his legacy lives on in the hearts of everyone he touched. We will always cherish the time we spent with him and hold onto the promise that we fulfilled: nobody ever hurt him again. Rest in peace, dear Sherman. We miss you.