Shy shelter dog loves everyone in his new family

Shy shelter dog loves everyone in his new family

Bentley, a once-shy shelter dog, found a loving forever home with a compassionate family.


Bentley’s story began when he was abandoned at a shelter with his siblings at just one week old. Dennis, who narrates Bentley’s journey, tells us how his family decided to help the puppies after they were unceremoniously left at the shelter. Bentley was the last puppy remaining when Dennis’s family adopted him. Initially fearful, Bentley quickly warmed up to Dennis after some gentle coaxing from his wife, who playfully introduced Dennis as his new “daddy.”

Dennis’s wife, who Bentley has a particularly strong bond with, played a significant role in easing his anxieties. Despite Dennis jokingly calling himself Bentley’s second favorite, his attachment to all family members is evident. Bentley also shares his home with Piper, another dog who is older and has health issues. While Bentley initially displayed jealousy towards the attention Piper needed, he has grown more affectionate and understanding towards him over time.

Bentley’s sensitivity extends beyond just the family. When Dennis’s wife fell ill, Bentley’s distress was palpable; he refused to eat and vomited out of worry for her. His connection with her is profound, demonstrating an extraordinary level of empathy for a dog. Bentley is also incredibly smart, capable of understanding many commands and even figuring out how to use a door handle to go see if his “mommy” is home.

Despite his intelligence and emotional depth, Bentley remains timid around other dogs and is generally cautious in new situations. However, his loving nature and lack of aggression make him a cherished member of his family. Dennis is committed to giving Bentley the best life possible, appreciating the unique joy and empathy he brings into their lives.