Someone left this dog in a basement, Now he needs constant human touch

Someone left this dog in a basement, Now he needs constant human touch

Cashmere’s journey began in a disheartening scenario where he, alongside another dog, was discovered locked in a basement. This unfortunate start was shared by Maya and Jonathan through GeoBeats, detailing how Animal Control Officers found and easily rescued him despite his bite wounds. Initially, Cashmere’s situation seemed to improve as he was placed in foster care, though challenges persisted. Multiple individuals claimed to be his owners, which led nowhere, and a potential adoption failed due to compatibility issues with another pet.

When Maya met Cashmere at the Humane Rescue Alliance in DC, it was love at first sight. She immediately knew he was the dog for her. Despite his imposing size, Cashmere is described as a gentle giant—loving, affectionate, and sometimes lazily goofy. He embodies a sensitive nature, often showing a peculiar interest in household dynamics without fully understanding them, earning him the nickname “the regulator.” His most cherished role, however, is being an older brother to Banana, another pet in the home.

Cashmere’s adjustment to new people is slow due to his anxiety, making his trusted circle quite small. His bond with Jonathan, whom he met after Maya, has blossomed into a deep and affectionate connection. The dog’s need for closeness is so intense that he dislikes physical barriers, even simple ones like a small gate separating rooms, which can cause him distress.

His emotional intelligence shines through particularly during tough times; he approaches to offer comfort by licking away tears. Cashmere’s interactions with his human family members are heartfelt and involved—he dislikes being left out of hugs and kisses, often inserting himself into these moments of affection.

Jonathan and Maya believe that adopting a dog like Cashmere is a profoundly rewarding experience despite the challenges, emphasizing the joy and emotional fulfillment it brings into a home.