Stray Dog Injured From Beating

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Stranger Closely, Just Wants Help

Dogs are known as man’s best friend. They love to play, give us kisses, and they can make us laugh. But sometimes, dogs need our help too. This story is about a special dog that needed a lot of help and found a friend in someone who cared.

One sunny day, while walking down the street, I saw a dog. He was not like other dogs. He looked sad and hurt. His eyes were big and round, and his skin had boo-boos that were healing. It seemed like no one had stopped to help him before. But when I stopped, he looked at me as if I was a hero.

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Stranger Closely, Just Wants Help
Source: @caringanimalshelter (YouTube)

At first, he was scared and moved back a little. But then, he started to follow me. He stayed close behind me, and I could tell he was asking for help without using words. This made my heart feel heavy, and I knew I had to do something for him.

I decided to take him home, but he was very shy. Standing at the door, he seemed confused and scared to come inside. He acted very gentle and kept his tail low as if he was saying, “I’m scared, please be kind to me.”

When I tried to give him some dog food and meat, I noticed he couldn’t eat it. The poor dog’s mouth was hurt badly. He managed to drink some water, but that was all he could do. I realized he needed more help than I could give, so I put him in a cardboard box and took him to the vet.

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Stranger Closely, Just Wants Help (2)
Source: @caringanimalshelter (YouTube)

The dog was so brave and didn’t make a sound. At the vet, we found out his face was very hurt. One side of his face was swollen and had bad injuries. The vet said he had been hit hard and even needed to remove one of his eyes. This made me very sad, but I knew it would help him feel better.

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Strang Help
Source: @caringanimalshelter (YouTube)

They gave him some liquid food because he couldn’t eat solids. Then, it was time for his surgery. The vet took care of the bad eye and fixed his face as much as they could. The dog was in pain, but he was strong. Because of his missing eye, I started calling him Captain, like a pirate.

The next day, I brought my other dog, Blackie, to visit Captain at the vet. Captain was still swollen but getting better. He even started to eat a little, with some pain medicine to help. The vet told me to feed Captain egg yolks and veggies to make him strong. I cooked everything soft so it would be easy for him to eat.

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Stranger Closely, Just Wants Help 1 53 screenshot
Source: @caringanimalshelter (YouTube)

Every day, I made Captain nutritious meals with milk powder and fish oil to help him heal. He was getting more excited to eat and was becoming happier. His wound was healing, and I hoped he would get better fast.

Stray Dog Injured From Beating, Following Stranger Closely, Just Wants Help
Source: @caringanimalshelter (YouTube)

After a week, Captain’s wounds were much better. The vet was happy with how well he was doing and said he could go home soon. Captain was becoming more cheerful and was starting to leave his sad days behind.

I dreamt of the day Captain and Blackie could run and play together happily. Even though Captain had been through a lot, he was getting better every day. I couldn’t wait for him to come home and start a new, happy life with us. I wished for Captain to get well soon, knowing that with love and care, he would.