Stray Puppies Wait a Week on Train Tracks, Hoping for Owner's Return

Stray Puppies Wait a Week on Train Tracks, Hoping for Owner’s Return

In a noisy part of town, next to the rumbling train tracks, two fluffy puppies huddled close. They were lost and alone, their little hearts filled with hope that the person who left them would come back.

Suzette Hall, who helps animals in trouble, heard about them and rushed over. The sight of the puppies made her sad. They were Poodle mixes, once loved for their fluffy fur, now forgotten by the very person who should have cared for them the most.

Source: Suzette Hall (Facebook)

For a whole week, these puppies waited, thinking every sound might be their owner returning. But it was Suzette who came for them, not to leave them again, but to give them a chance at a new life.

The rescue wasn’t easy. The puppies were scared and kept hiding. Under buses, along the tracks, they ran, their little hearts pounding. But Suzette had a plan and some friends who wanted to help. They waited and waited until, at last, they gently caught the two scared pups.

Source: Suzette Hall (Facebook)

Once safe, the puppies were given the names Major and Divine. But at the vet, something surprising happened. The two pups, who had seemed so close, now wanted nothing to do with each other. It turns out, sometimes animals stick together just to feel safe. Once they’re out of danger, they’re ready to make their own way.

But this story isn’t just about finding safety. It’s about finding happiness, too. After they got better, Major and Divine were adopted by two wonderful families. And guess what? In their new homes, they both got a doggy brother or sister!

Even though they went to different homes, their lives were pretty similar. They had cozy beds, lots of treats, and endless love. Major and Divine might have started their journey together, lost by the tracks, but they ended up finding their own paths to happiness.

Source: Suzette Hall (Facebook)

In their new homes, they learned what it truly means to be part of a family. And while they might have forgotten about each other, they never forgot the kindness of those who helped them when they needed it most. They went from lost puppies by the train tracks to beloved pets, wagging their tails and living their best doggy lives.

And who knows? Maybe one day, Major and Divine might bump into each other on a walk and not even remember they were once train track buddies. But they’ll wag their tails, happy in their new lives, surrounded by families who love them to the moon and back.