Street dog starts living indoors, Guess the first thing he did!

Street dog starts living indoors, Guess the first thing he did!

Mango’s story starts in the bustling environment of a Spanish train station, where he roamed alone and undernourished. The young Galgo, merely a year old and still exuding the energy of a puppy, was rescued by the collaborative efforts of two groups: the local Spanish organization, Galgo Juan Familia, and the New York-based Great Little Greyhounds. Despite his rough start, Mango was about to embark on a transformative journey across the Atlantic to a new life.

Upon his arrival at JFK airport after an arduous eight and a half hour flight from Madrid, Mango’s initial interaction with his new family was heartwarming. Despite his skeletal frame, he immediately sought out cuddles and affection, showcasing his innate longing for connection. His first few months in the home were marked by significant adjustments; he spent a great deal of time sleeping, an indication of the stress and relief mingling in his new environment. Mango, unfamiliar with the comforts of a domesticated life, faced challenges such as learning to navigate stairs, which his family patiently taught him, lifting him when necessary until he gained confidence.


Learning and Loving

Mango’s transformation was supported by professional training over the course of eight months. This training not only helped him understand his new world but also allowed his personality to flourish. He quickly learned the nuances of household living and what was expected of him, blossoming into what his family described as the “sweetest boy” they could have imagined. Despite some playful mishaps, like mistaking skin for clothing during affectionate moments, Mango earned the affectionate nickname “Velcro dog” for his constant desire for physical closeness.

As Mango settled in, his quirky traits emerged. He was affectionately nicknamed “Twinkle Toes” for his delicate, ballerina-like movements, and “Baby Bean” for his ability to curl up into a surprisingly small bundle. His family marveled at his human-like understanding and empathy, especially as they faced personal hardships. Throughout a particularly tough year, where the family mourned the loss of five grandparents, Mango provided unwavering support and companionship, comforting them with his presence and intuitive empathy.

A Forever Home

Mango’s journey from a neglected street dog to a beloved family member highlights the profound impact of love and care on animals in need. His story is not just about his adaptation to a domestic life, but also about the reciprocal emotional support between Mango and his family. They provided him a safe haven and in return, he offered unconditional love and companionship during their times of grief. Mango’s tale is a testament to the idea that sometimes, rescuing a pet can also mean healing for the rescuers, forming a bond that profoundly changes everyone involved.