The Golden Pup Enjoys Her Favorite Show While Waiting For The Vet To Receive Her

The Golden Pup Enjoys Her Favorite Show While Waiting For The Vet To Receive Her

Akira was unlike any dog you’d meet. While most dogs would shiver or hide at the word “vet,” Akira wagged her tail in excitement. You see, Akira had a little secret that made her vet visits not just bearable but enjoyable.

One rainy day, Akira and her dad, Darin Beam, were sitting in the waiting room of VCA Panther Lake Animal Hospital. The sky was grey, and the rain pattered against the windows, but Akira didn’t seem to mind. She was too engrossed in something on Darin’s iPhone. Mel Cies, the hospital manager with seven years of experience, peered over curiously. To her astonishment, Akira was calmly watching a video of squirrels darting around, completely at ease in the bustling vet office.


Mel couldn’t help but laugh. “I’ve seen it all now!” she exclaimed. “A dog who finds her zen in squirrel videos at the vet!” She shared this with everyone in the room, and soon, chuckles filled the air, lightening the gloomy day.

Darin smiled, knowing all too well Akira’s love for her furry-tailed friends. Back at home, Akira could spend hours watching the squirrels in their backyard, her eyes following every leap and bound. Realizing this, Darin thought, “Why not bring the backyard to the vet?” And just like that, squirrel videos became Akira’s go-to entertainment during vet visits.

Akira’s story spread quickly around town. People would often stop Darin to ask about Akira’s next vet visit, or to share a funny squirrel video they found. Akira became somewhat of a celebrity, known not for her bravery, but for her unique way of finding happiness in the simplest things.

At home, Akira was the heart of the family. She brought laughter and joy, especially with her quirky habit of tilting her head every time a squirrel appeared on the screen. Darin and his wife often found themselves joining Akira in her squirrel-watching sessions, laughing at her reactions and the silly jumps of the squirrels.


One day, Darin decided to throw a “Squirrel-Watching Party” for Akira’s 5th birthday. The whole town was invited. People brought their pets, and the backyard was filled with screens showing the funniest squirrel videos. The sight of dogs and their owners, laughing and playing together, was heartwarming.

As the party came to a close, Darin looked at Akira, who was now dozing off with a content smile, surrounded by her new friends. He thought to himself, “Who would’ve thought that a simple squirrel video could bring so much happiness?”

Akira may not have understood why everyone was gathered or why they were watching squirrels on screens, but she knew one thing for sure: she was loved, and she had plenty of squirrel-chasing dreams to look forward to. And maybe, just maybe, she’d catch one in her dreams that night.

As the last guest left and the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Darin and his wife sat with Akira between them, grateful for the joy and laughter she brought into their lives. “Akira, you’re more than just a pet; you’re a reminder that happiness can be found in the smallest things,” Darin whispered.

And with that, the Beam family sat in their backyard, under the stars, watching one last squirrel video before calling it a night, their laughter echoing into the calm night, a perfect end to a day filled with joy and squirrels.