These raccoons have the perfect mother, Yes! a pit bull

These raccoons have the perfect mother, Yes! a pit bull

In a heartwarming video circulating online, the remarkable story of a pit bull named Ashley unfolds, showcasing her extraordinary motherly instincts towards orphaned animals. Despite the common misconceptions about pit bulls, Ashley defies stereotypes with her unwavering love and care.


When orphaned babies come her way each season, Ashley embraces her role as a mother with unparalleled dedication. Her owner describes her as having a heart of gold, always eager to nurture any creature in need. Even though Ashley has never had pups of her own, her maternal instincts shine through, evident in her actions towards the orphaned animals she cares for.

One poignant example is her relationship with two squirrels found injured in the backyard. Despite one of them, Oakley, having deformities from puncture wounds, Ashley wholeheartedly protects and nurtures him. Whenever other squirrels threaten Oakley, Ashley fearlessly defends him, ensuring his safety and well-being.

Ashley’s commitment to motherhood extends beyond mere protection; she educates and guides the orphaned animals under her care. From teaching them safety skills like scurrying up trees to imparting the use of their senses, Ashley plays a vital role in their development.

Through Ashley’s story, her owner emphasizes the importance of respecting animals and learning from their innate bonds and behaviors. He believes that understanding and emulating the compassion and patience displayed by animals like Ashley can bring humanity closer together.

Despite being only four years old, Ashley effortlessly transitions between her playful nature and her nurturing maternal role. Her owner credits her upbringing with love and proper care for debunking stereotypes associated with her breed.

In conclusion, Ashley’s story serves as a powerful reminder of the depth of love and compassion animals are capable of. Through her actions, she not only changes the lives of the orphaned animals she cares for but also challenges prejudices and inspires others to see beyond stereotypes. Truly, Ashley is not just a pretty dog; she is a beacon of hope and a testament to the transformative power of love.