This 70 pound dog has zero respect for personal space

This 70-pound dog has zero respect for personal space

Have you ever met a dog who thinks he’s a lapdog, even when he weighs 70 pounds? Meet Wally, the furry friend who has no concept of personal space. This is the heartwarming story of Wally and his human, Emily.

Wally’s journey began when he was just a tiny pup, found in the back of a truck bed at only four weeks old. Emily couldn’t resist his adorable face when she saw his photo online. She was so eager to have a dog of her own that she bombarded the rescue organization with emails until they finally said yes. After a three-hour drive, Wally found his forever home with Emily.


The first time Emily met Wally in person, it was love at first sight. Tears welled up in her eyes as she felt an instant connection with the playful pup. Despite his bulky appearance, Emily describes Wally as the Brad Pitt of bully breeds, with a head that seems too big for his body. But it’s his charming personality that steals the show.

Wally is confident, self-assured, and endlessly loving. He’s like a big-headed cat, purring for attention wherever he goes. He adores meeting new people and craves their affection, often insisting on climbing into their laps, much to Emily’s amusement.

But Wally isn’t just a cuddly companion; he’s also a clever one. Every night, like clockwork, he demands his peanut butter Kong toy, barking once and staring at Emily until she obliges. And now, he’s even learned to communicate his desires using buttons, hitting the “Kong” button to request his favorite toy.

For Emily, Wally is more than just a pet; he’s her soul dog. After unexpectedly losing her dad, she found solace in Wally’s company. She decided to name him Wally as a tribute to her father, whose middle name was Charles. Through Wally, Emily found comfort and connection during a difficult time.

Despite the challenges they face due to Wally’s appearance, Emily wouldn’t trade him for the world. Together, they’ve inspired others to rescue animals and get involved in their communities. Wally may not understand the impact he’s had on Emily’s life, but she’s grateful for him every day.

So, next time you see a big dog with a bigger heart, remember Wally’s story. Sometimes, the most unexpected companions can bring the most joy into our lives.