This dog was given up by owner after she became obese

This dog was given up by owner after she became obese

In the heartwarming tale of Rosemary, a dog surrendered by her owner due to obesity, we witness the transformative power of love, dedication, and second chances. The story, documented in a touching video by the Humane Society of Northwest Louisiana, captures the essence of resilience and redemption.


Rosemary’s journey began with despair, as she struggled to even walk a few steps without exhaustion. Her belly dragged on the ground, hindering her mobility and quality of life. But amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged when the compassionate team at the Humane Society intervened.

Courtney Wingate, a member of the society, narrates Rosemary’s story with palpable emotion, highlighting the urgency of the situation. With donations as their lifeline, the society embarked on a mission to save Rosemary from her plight.

Rescued from Longview Animal Control in May 2021, Rosemary arrived at the shelter weighing a staggering 24.6 pounds, far exceeding her ideal weight of 10 to 11 pounds. Determined to help her shed the excess weight and regain her vitality, the team implemented a rigorous regimen of diet, exercise, and water therapy.

The transformation was nothing short of miraculous. Rosemary embraced her new routine with enthusiasm, demonstrating resilience and an indomitable spirit. From water treadmill sessions to outdoor exercises, she embraced every opportunity to reclaim her health.

As the pounds melted away, so did the barriers to her happiness. Rosemary’s endearing personality shone through, captivating everyone she encountered with her spunk and charm. Her former owner, filled with remorse, acknowledged her shortcomings and expressed gratitude for Rosemary’s newfound lease on life.

With each passing day, Rosemary’s progress astonished all who knew her. From a staggering 24.6 pounds to a trim 12.8 pounds, she defied the odds and emerged as a beacon of hope for rescue animals everywhere.

But Rosemary’s journey doesn’t end there. With her newfound vitality and zest for life, she eagerly awaits her forever home. Applications pour in from prospective adopters, each vying for the chance to welcome this remarkable canine into their lives.

As Courtney reflects on Rosemary’s journey, she advocates for adoption, emphasizing the profound impact it can have on both humans and animals alike. In Rosemary, she sees not just a dog, but a testament to the power of compassion and second chances.

In the end, Rosemary’s story serves as a reminder that with love, patience, and unwavering dedication, even the most unlikely of heroes can emerge triumphant. And as Rosemary herself would surely attest, every journey begins with a single step.

To those considering adoption, Courtney offers a simple yet poignant message: “You might have to have a little bit of patience, but it will pay off in the long run. Not only for you, but you’re saving a dog’s life.”

And as Rosemary dashes across the screen, her infectious energy and boundless joy serve as a testament to the resilience of the human-animal bond. With each stride, she embodies the spirit of hope, proving that no obstacle is too great to overcome with love by your side.