This may be the fastest dog on ‘two legs’ and a big heart!

This may be the fastest dog on ‘two legs’ and a big heart!

In a heartwarming tale of resilience and companionship, meet Deuce, a remarkable canine who defied the odds to become an inspiration to many. Found as a stray in Kentucky, Deuce’s journey began in dire circumstances, with his left legs broken and infected. Despite the challenges, fate led him to Camp Gene, a rescue center where his life took a remarkable turn.

Deuce dog
Source: Youtube

Under the care of the compassionate team at Camp Gene, Deuce received the medical attention he urgently needed. Despite efforts to save his left legs, they had to be amputated. But this setback didn’t deter Deuce’s spirit or his newfound supporters.

Jean from Camp Gene saw something special in Deuce—a potential therapy dog. With his endearing personality and unique circumstances, she reached out to a prospective adopter, someone experienced in caring for special needs dogs. That someone turned out to be none other than a person with two two-legged therapy dogs already—Lucky and Cyrus.

This may be the fastest dog on two legs 0 44 screenshot
Source: Instagram

Initially hesitant to take on another furry companion, Deuce’s videos melted the heart of his future owner. Witnessing Deuce’s zest for life and determination, they knew he belonged with them. Thus, Deuce found his forever home in Pennsylvania, where he quickly became an integral part of the family.

The dynamics between Deuce, Lucky, and Cyrus are as endearing as they are extraordinary. With Lucky having front legs and Deuce mastering the art of navigating on his right legs, their bond is truly unique. Together, they tackle life’s adventures, from playful romps to cozy nap times.

Deuce, Lucky, and Cyrus
Source: Instagram

Deuce’s resilience knows no bounds. Despite his physical limitations, he moves with grace and agility, proving that nothing can hold him back. His remarkable journey has not gone unnoticed—he’s been trained and certified as a therapy dog, spreading joy and hope to those he meets.

Visiting hospitals as a therapy dog, Deuce leaves an indelible impression on everyone he encounters. His infectious happiness and unwavering spirit uplift spirits and remind us all of the power of resilience and love.

Deuce sitting
Source: Instagram


In the end, Deuce isn’t just a dog; he’s a symbol of hope, perseverance, and the extraordinary bond between humans and animals. His story serves as a reminder that no matter the challenges we face, with determination and support, we can overcome anything.
