This one eyed tripod dog looks like a weird bat

This one-eyed tripod dog looks like a weird bat

Have you ever seen something so strange it made you wonder? Well, there’s this video going around showing a dog named Bean. Some people say she looks like a weird bat, while others think she’s just the cutest dog ever. Let’s take a closer look at Bean’s story.


Bean is a special dog with only one eye and three legs. She also has only one eardrum. Despite her unique appearance, she lives a happy life with her mom, Alicia, and the rest of the family.

But Bean’s journey hasn’t been easy. It all started with a terrible incident. Someone heartlessly threw her from a car, treating her like trash. Alicia’s daughter witnessed this cruel act and immediately rushed Bean to the vet.

Thankfully, the family decided to adopt Bean, despite her health challenges. Since then, Bean has proved to be a strong and resilient pup. She’s not just a pet; she’s also a guardian of the house. Bean takes her role seriously, even becoming a “land shark” when needed.

However, Bean knows how to enjoy life too. She lives in the moment and doesn’t dwell on her past hardships. Bean’s favorite thing in the world? Food! Whenever there’s a hint of food, she magically appears, ready to devour it.

Bean is also very protective of her exceptional hair. With Bean around, there’s never a dull moment. She keeps everyone on their toes, bringing joy and laughter to the family.

But amidst all the excitement, Bean’s favorite moments are those spent with her mom, Alicia. Together, they share a bond that nothing can break. Bean may be a one-eyed, three-legged dog, but to Alicia and her family, she’s simply perfect.

In the end, whether Bean looks like a strange bat or the cutest dog, one thing’s for sure: she’s an inspiration, teaching us the importance of resilience, love, and living in the moment.