This rare blind dog can walk only in circles

This rare blind dog can walk only in circles

If you ever stumbled upon a video of a dog gleefully spinning in circles and wondered what’s the story behind it, you’ve come to the right place. Let me introduce you to Disney, a remarkable French Bulldog whose life is nothing short of inspiring.


Disney’s journey is one filled with challenges and love. Born blind and diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition causing fluid buildup in the brain, Disney’s life initially seemed uncertain. But her story takes a turn towards hope and resilience.

Rescued by the Mia Foundation, Disney found her way into the care of a loving foster family. Despite her disabilities, Disney’s spirit remains unbroken. Her caregiver, Jess, describes her as a happy dog, oblivious to her special needs.

Living with a condition like hydrocephalus comes with its share of risks, including seizures. Yet, Disney defies the odds, spreading joy wherever she goes. Her playful antics and vibrant personality have endeared her to everyone she meets.

Jess and her partner didn’t hesitate to welcome Disney into their home, despite already caring for multiple rescue animals. Disney’s infectious charm won them over instantly, proving that love knows no bounds.

Despite her challenges, Disney is a playful and curious pup. She enjoys games like hide-and-seek, although her navigation skills might sometimes lead her in circles. But that doesn’t dampen her spirits; she’s always eager to explore and discover new things.

One of Disney’s favorite pastimes is escaping from her pen and exploring the house like a little whirlwind. She finds joy in simple things like different textures, showing that happiness can be found in unexpected places.

But what truly sets Disney apart is her zest for life. Despite her disabilities, she embraces each day with enthusiasm and brings light into the lives of those around her. Jess expresses her gratitude for having Disney in her family, acknowledging the special bond they share.

In a world where obstacles seem insurmountable, Disney’s story serves as a reminder that love, resilience, and joy can triumph over adversity. She may walk in circles, but her spirit knows no bounds. Disney is not just a dog; she’s a symbol of hope and inspiration, proving that every life is precious and worth celebrating.