This unwanted dog was dumped on freeway, It was the best thing that happened to her!

This unwanted dog was dumped on freeway, It was the best thing that happened to her!

Once in a while, amidst the chaos of life, a story emerges that reminds us of the power of resilience and the transformative force of love. The tale of Maple, affectionately known as the “freeway dog,” is one such story.

Maple’s journey began in abandonment, left alone on a freeway, discarded like an unwanted possession. It’s a stark reminder of the cruelty that some hearts are capable of. But fate had different plans for Maple. Justine, a compassionate soul, stumbled upon Maple’s story, and something in her gut told her she needed to intervene.


At that time, Justine was grieving the loss of her first pit bull, a heartbreaking experience that left a void in her life. Yet, when she met Maple, she felt a connection that transcended words. After driving almost eight hours to meet Maple, Justine knew in her heart that this was meant to be.

Maple, once a 35-pound pup, now a sturdy 60-pound companion, found her forever home with Justine. Alongside her older brother, O’Bannon, and little Brody, Maple blossomed into a beacon of joy and resilience. Despite her tumultuous past, Maple exuded sweetness and gentleness, embracing each day as a precious gift.

Her favorite pastime? Exploring the great outdoors, where she finds solace and pure bliss. With her leash off, Maple’s infectious smile lights up the trails as she revels in the freedom of the mountains. She’s more than just a dog; she’s a bundle of personality and love, impossible to fully capture in mere words.

But Maple’s story isn’t just about her; it’s about the impact she has on those around her. Despite societal prejudices against pit bulls, Maple breaks down barriers with her unwavering affection and impeccable manners. People who once feared her breed find themselves drawn to her warmth and kindness.

For Justine, Maple is more than a pet; she’s a source of inspiration and motivation. Maple’s ability to love unconditionally, without holding grudges, serves as a reminder of the goodness in the world. If Justine could express her feelings to Maple, she would thank her for choosing her and bringing lightness into her life.

Maple’s story serves as a poignant reminder that love knows no bounds. In a world often overshadowed by darkness, Maple shines as a beacon of hope and resilience. Her journey from abandonment to unconditional love is a testament to the transformative power of compassion.

As Maple continues to spread joy wherever she goes, her story serves as a gentle nudge for us all to embrace love, kindness, and forgiveness in our own lives. After all, as Justine aptly puts it, “Everybody should take a little bit of her story and put it to their life.” Maple, the freeway dog turned beloved companion, is indeed the greatest gift that was ever given.