This ‘werewolf’ dog has human like eyes

This ‘werewolf’ dog has human-like eyes

Have you ever seen a dog that looks like a mix between a pig and a werewolf? Well, meet Ted, the adorable canine sensation with a unique appearance and a heartwarming story.

Ted, as his owner Devin affectionately calls him, is unlike any other dog you’ve seen. With his gentle and sweet demeanor, Ted quickly captures the hearts of everyone he meets. But what makes Ted truly stand out are his distinctive features – particularly his human-like eyes and his partially furless tail, resembling that of an elephant.


Devin, who is deeply passionate about dogs, stumbled upon Ted at an adoption event in a nearby park. It was love at first sight when she noticed him sitting on the ground in a little red vest. Despite Ted’s unusual appearance and his lack of fur in certain areas, Devin felt an instant connection with him, seeing it as a sign from the universe.

As Devin learned more about Ted’s background, she discovered that he had been surrendered along with other pets due to difficult living conditions. This rough start in life may have contributed to Ted’s aversion to chaos and his preference for a calm environment.

Over time, Ted’s fur began to grow back, surprising Devin with its soft peach fuzz texture. Through a DNA test, she uncovered Ted’s mixed breed heritage, which includes chihuahua, mini poodle, shih tzu, and a mix of other breeds. Despite his unique appearance, Devin adores Ted like her own child, showering him with love and affection.

Ted may not be a registered emotional support animal, but to Devin, he is undoubtedly her source of joy and happiness. With his endearing personality and one-of-a-kind looks, Ted has become the light of Devin’s life, bringing endless smiles and laughter to their home.

In a world where uniqueness is celebrated, Ted stands as a shining example of embracing individuality and finding love in unexpected places. With his pig-like snout, werewolf-like eyes, and heartwarming presence, Ted reminds us that true beauty lies in being authentically yourself.