Woman Adopts Disabled Dog, Provides Surgeries and Transform’s Her Life

Woman Adopts Disabled Dog, Provides Surgeries and Transform’s Her Life

A woman discovered a dog in desperate need of help while volunteering for the National Great Pyr Rescue. The dog, named Lily, had been given away because she couldn’t walk due to a medical condition, and no one seemed willing to assist her. Despite her painful situation, Lily exhibited an incredibly gentle and sweet demeanor, particularly around children. The woman was deeply moved by Lily’s plight and decided to take her in, despite anticipating the challenges ahead.

Upon bringing Lily home, the woman’s husband was initially shocked and skeptical due to the dog’s apparent leg issues. They soon learned from a vet that Lily suffered from bilateral luxating patellas, a condition where the kneecaps are dislocated and do not return to their proper place, a problem she was born with but only became evident as she grew.

Determined to help Lily, they consulted an orthopedic vet who outlined a treatment plan involving two extensive knee reconstruction surgeries. The woman committed to fostering Lily through her recovery, which included six months of intensive care after the first surgery. This care required her to physically carry Lily, who weighed 90 pounds, for all her needs, including using the bathroom and moving around their home, which had hard floors made more accessible with blankets laid out to help Lily walk.

As Lily continued to gain weight, reaching 120 pounds, the physical toll on the woman grew, yet she remained dedicated. After enduring another four months of recovery following the second surgery, Lily’s condition improved significantly. She could now run, play, and go on walks—activities that had once seemed impossible for her. This transformative journey not only changed Lily’s life but also highlighted the profound impact of compassion and dedication in animal rescue.