Woman adopts dog that looks like seal pup and has a long list of medical issues!

Woman adopts dog that looks like seal pup and has a long list of medical issues!

Once upon a time, there was a dog named Oscar. He looked like a little seal pup. Oscar had many health problems, so the shelter thought about putting him to sleep. But then, something wonderful happened. A group called Bullied Breeds Rescued saw him and decided to help.


They took Oscar in and nursed him back to health. His whole body was sick, his ears were bad, and he couldn’t see well. But despite all this, Oscar was a fighter. He didn’t let his problems bring him down.

After a year of care and love, Oscar found his forever home with a family who adored him. He lived with his new sisters, Ramona the pit bull and Sprite the cat. They became the best of friends.

One thing about Oscar was special – he loved something called “slothing.” This meant he liked when things gently touched his face and back. His family even made special spots for him to enjoy this.

Despite being deaf from surgery, Oscar was a happy and playful dog. His family called him “The Ham” because he loved attention. They were grateful every day for Bullied Breeds Rescued for giving them the chance to bring Oscar into their lives.

And so, Oscar lived happily ever after, surrounded by love and joy in his forever home.