Woman adopts stray puppy paralyzed from car accident!

Woman adopts stray puppy paralyzed from car accident!

In September 2016, in Cumberland, Maryland, there was a little puppy named Delilah. She was found as a stray dog, wandering the streets. Unfortunately, Delilah had a terrible accident. She was hit by a car. It was a sad situation.


But then something wonderful happened. Delilah was taken to the North Branch Animal Hospital. At this hospital, there was a kind veterinarian named Dr. Jeremy. He saw Delilah and immediately felt sorry for her. She couldn’t move her legs, and her back was hurt badly. The doctors said she wouldn’t be able to walk again. Delilah was just a puppy, only six to nine months old.


Despite the sad news, Dr. Jeremy decided to help Delilah. He wanted to give her a chance at life. After ten days in the hospital, Delilah was strong enough to leave. And guess what? Dr. Jeremy decided to adopt her! Delilah now had a loving home.

Woman adopts stray puppy paralyzed from car accident (Scootie Patootie Delilah) 0 13 screenshot
Source: Youtube

Delilah, even though she couldn’t walk like other dogs, was full of energy. She loved to run around and play. Sometimes, she made a mess by tearing things apart. But her family didn’t mind. They were just happy to have her.

Woman adopts stray puppy paralyzed from car accident (Scootie Patootie Delilah) 0 31 screenshot

One thing that was different about Delilah was that she needed help to go to the bathroom. She couldn’t do it by herself. Her family had to help her with something called “expressing her bladder.” But Delilah didn’t know she was different. She acted just like any other happy dog.

One day, Delilah got a special present—a wheelchair! With her new wheels, she could move around more easily. She adapted to it quickly and started zooming around like a pro. Her family was amazed at how well she adjusted.

Source: Instagram

Delilah wasn’t just a pet; she was a big sister too. She loved to cuddle with her one-year-old brother and take naps together. She brought so much joy to her family.

2 dogs
Source: Instagram

Today, Delilah is a happy dog, living her best life with her loving family. They are grateful every day that they gave her a chance. Delilah’s story shows that with love and care, anything is possible. She truly is a special part of their family.