Woman was intimidated by this dog. Then She adopted him!

Woman was intimidated by this dog. Then She adopted him!

Caitlyn shares the touching journey of adopting her dog, Tater Tot, whose story begins as a stray in Mississippi. Tater Tot was found heartworm positive and underweight, with a distinctive scar on his arm where the fur never regrew, possibly from a past accident. Initially, Caitlyn planned to adopt Tater Tot for a friend who was in Navy training, as they intended to move to Florida together. However, upon meeting Tater Tot, Caitlyn was initially intimidated by his size and presence. Despite this, Tater Tot approached her affectionately, leading to a moment of bonding when he sat on her lap and looked up at her, seemingly choosing Caitlyn as his new owner.


The move to Florida fell through, and Caitlyn decided to keep Tater Tot herself. She soon discovered that he was extremely fearful, likely due to past abuse. He would flinch and hide at sudden movements or loud noises, and was initially scared of going for walks and meeting new people, except for Caitlyn and her mother. Over time, Tater Tot gradually adjusted to his new home, learning to feel safe and even starting to meet strangers without fear.

Caitlyn describes Tater Tot as goofy and responsive, particularly in tune with her emotions. He reacts nervously to Caitlyn’s distress and prefers not to witness arguments or intense emotions. Understanding his needs, Caitlyn has adapted her home to suit him, choosing a house with carpeting to make him more comfortable as he dislikes tile and wood floors.

Tater Tot’s life is now filled with daily routines like waiting by the door for walks, although trips to dog parks have ceased due to other people’s misconceptions of him being aggressive. Additionally, Tater Tot has a canine companion named Sweet Pee, a dog believed to have been used for breeding. They share a close bond, often napping and cuddling together.

Caitlyn concludes by reflecting on how profoundly Tater Tot has transformed her life, stating that she cannot imagine life without him and that he has changed her life for the better.