Funny Dinosaur Names

100+ Funny Dinosaur Names (Funniest Ideas 2024)

Hello fellow laugh-seekers, Buzz Master Osama here from, and boy, do I have a treat for you! In my newest blog post, ‘Funny Dinosaur Names‘, I’ve blended paleontology with puns to create a prehistoric party of giggles. Imagine a T-Rex named ‘Tyranno-snorus Rex’ or a Velociraptor called ‘Veloci-rapper’.

These names are not only rib-tickling but are also a unique way to remember our ancient, scaly friends. So, if you’re in the mood for some dino-mite laughs, hop on over, and let’s explore a world where humor is as timeless as the dinosaurs themselves!

Funny Dinosaur Names

Funny Dinosaur Names (A-Z)

Here are some most the funniest dino names A-Z:

  • Absurdopteryx
  • Amuseosaurus
  • Amuzementosaurus
  • Amuzosaurus
  • Anklebitosaurus
  • Bellylaughsaurus
  • Bellytickleratops
  • Boomerangosaurus
  • Bumbletriceratops
  • Chuckleberry
  • Chucklefins
  • Chuckleosaurus
  • Chucklesaurus
  • Chuckletail
  • Dino-doodle
  • Dino-giggle
  • Dino-grin
  • Dino-jester
  • Dino-mite
  • Ego-raptor
  • Eruptosaurus
  • Flapdactyl
  • Funnyraptor
  • Funnysaur
  • Gagadon
  • Giggleosaurus
  • Gigglespike
  • Giggletail
  • Guffawsaurus
  • Heehawrex
  • Heehawsaurus
  • Heeheesaurus
  • Hilarisaurus
  • Hootadon
  • Itchyosaurus
  • Ittybittysaurus
  • Jesteratops
  • Jokasaurus Rex
  • Jokesaurus
  • Joketooth
  • Joketops
  • Laffosaurus
  • Laughalotodon
  • Laughteratops
  • Laughternest
  • Laughtodon
  • Mirthosaurus
  • Mirthquake
  • Munchasaurus
  • Noodle-neckasaurus
  • Noodlenoseosaurus
  • Nuttyneck
  • Nuttysaurus
  • Ogleosaurus
  • Pranksalotops
  • Pranksasaurus
  • Pranksteratops
  • Pranksylosaurus
  • Prankzilla
  • Quiplosaurus
  • Quirksaur
  • Quirksodon
  • Quirkydactyl
  • Quirkysmile
  • Roarabella
  • Roarbelly
  • Roaringmad
  • Roarosaurus
  • Roarsnort
  • Sillydactyl
  • Sillystruthiomimus
  • Snickersaurus
  • Snortosaurus
  • Snortysaurus
  • Ticklefeather
  • Tickleosaurus
  • Tickletooth
  • Tickletops
  • Uproariosaurus
  • Utterlyhilarious
  • Utterlyridiculous
  • Utterlywacky
  • Velocichuckle
  • Vexedsaurus
  • Wackysaurus
  • Whimsyrex
  • Whoopeesaurus
  • Wigglesaurus
  • Xylophlapper
  • Yodelsaurus
  • Yuckosaurus
  • Yucksteratops
  • Yukkyraptor
  • Zanysaurus
  • Zigglesaurus
  • Zigzaggletooth
  • Zigzagosaurus

Funny & Strangest Dinosaur Names

Dinosaurs, the giants of the past, have always intrigued us with their size and mystery. But what if they had names that could make us laugh instead of awe us with their grandeur? Here are some whimsical and amusing names for these prehistoric creatures:

  1. Giggleosaurus
  2. Chucklesaurus Rex
  3. Snickersaurus
  4. Jokearaptor
  5. Laughadactyl
  6. Smirkodon
  7. Guffawceratops
  8. Grinodon
  9. Teeheerex
  10. Chucklodon
  11. Snickeratops
  12. Jestosaurus
  13. Gaggleosaurus
  14. Mirthosaurus
  15. Chortledactyl
  16. Sniggeraptor
  17. Titteratops
  18. Jocularaptor
  19. Funneledon
  20. Humorosaurus
  21. Amusosaurus
  22. Smirksaurus
  23. Gigglodon
  24. Merrysaurus
  25. Jollyraptor
  26. Witceratops
  27. Jestasaurus
  28. Larkodon
  29. Laugholophosaurus
  30. Silliraptor

Funny Dinosaur Names Puns

Dinosaurs have a way of capturing our imagination with their massive size and ancient mystery. Let’s add a humorous twist to these prehistoric giants with some punny names.

  1. Tyranno-snorus Rex
  2. Stego-sofa-rus
  3. Veloci-rapper
  4. Tricera-tops It Off
  5. Bronto-snore-us
  6. Diplodo-doughnuts
  7. Ankylo-sore-us
  8. Ptero-dactyl Tacos
  9. Allo-saurus Bore-us
  10. Giganto-saurus Wrecks
  11. Maiasauro-fuss
  12. Carno-taurus Crispy
  13. Spino-sore-us
  14. Pachy-cephalo-silly
  15. Apatosauro-ffice Clerk
  16. Iguano-dont Stop Believin’
  17. Cera-top Chef
  18. Raptor-round The Clock
  19. Mosasauro-munch
  20. Deino-cheerus
  21. Para-sail-a-lophus
  22. Baryonyx Boxer
  23. Oviraptor-over Easy
  24. Archaeopteryx Argument
  25. Compy-complicated
  26. Dino-mite Disco
  27. Galli-mimus Galore
  28. Therizino-thank You
  29. Sauropod-tastic
  30. Kentrosaurus Knitter

Funny Dinosaur Names for Pets

Pet dinosaurs, though imaginary, can bring a lot of joy with their quirky and endearing names. Imagine calling your pet dino these names!

  1. Scaly Sam
  2. Dino Doug
  3. Rexy Roo
  4. Tiny the T-Rex
  5. Bubbles Bronto
  6. Spike the Stego
  7. Lizzy the Lizard
  8. Dizzy Dino
  9. Chompy Charlie
  10. Doodle the Dino
  11. Munchkin Rex
  12. Pebbles the Ptero
  13. Jumpy Jurassic
  14. Snappy Sarah
  15. Stretch the Saurus
  16. Tango the Tricera
  17. Hoppity Herbivore
  18. Cuddle-saurus
  19. Ziggy the Zaurus
  20. Nibbles the Noto
  21. Giggly Giga
  22. Boomer Brachio
  23. Daisy Dactyl
  24. Slinky the Spino
  25. Whimsy the Whiptail
  26. Fido-saur
  27. Raptor Rexie
  28. Paddy the Pachy
  29. Lulu the Longneck
  30. Chubby the Chasmo

Funny Fake Dinosaur Names

In a world where dinosaurs are part of daily life, these humorous, made-up dinosaur names would surely bring a smile.

  1. Giggle-o-saurus
  2. Snore-a-lot-opus
  3. Bounce-a-raptor
  4. Ticklish Triceratops
  5. Sneeze-o-saur
  6. Wobble Rex
  7. Grumble-saurus
  8. Chatter-teeth Rex
  9. Chuckle-raptor
  10. Tumble-saurus
  11. Puddle-o-pus
  12. Blunder-saur
  13. Fumble-foot Rex
  14. Gossip-a-saurus
  15. Bumble Brachio
  16. Dazzle-a-dactyl
  17. Noodle-saurus
  18. Rumble-raptor
  19. Prance-a-saur
  20. Stumble-top
  21. Jitter-jaw
  22. Bicker-back
  23. Gobble-o-saurus
  24. Muddle-muncher
  25. Flutter-fly-saurus
  26. Tootle-o-tail
  27. Cuddle-o-cerus
  28. Mumble-roar
  29. Pitter-pat-a-saur
  30. Whirl-a-rex

Funny Sounding Dinosaur Names

The following names take a humorous spin on how dinosaurs might be named based on peculiar, funny sounds.

  1. Boop-o-saurus
  2. Squeak-a-tops
  3. Clank-o-raptor
  4. Honk-a-saur
  5. Beep-o-rex
  6. Squawk-a-dactyl
  7. Thump-o-saurus
  8. Chirp-a-cerus
  9. Ring-a-raptor
  10. Zing-o-saurus
  11. Whoosh-a-saurus
  12. Clap-a-tops
  13. Ding-dong-dino
  14. Buzz-o-rex
  15. Cluck-o-raptor
  16. Hoot-o-saur
  17. Tinkle-top
  18. Jingle-jaw
  19. Rattle-roar
  20. Hum-a-dactyl
  21. Whistle-o-saurus
  22. Toot-o-rex
  23. Pop-a-saur
  24. Click-clack-o-saurus
  25. Bang-a-raptor
  26. Twang-o-tail
  27. Bloop-a-saur
  28. Blip-o-rex
  29. Boing-o-saurus
  30. Gargle-giga

Funny Female Dinosaur Names

Adding a dash of humor to female dinosaur names, these whimsical titles are sure to be memorable.

  1. Dina Dazzle
  2. Rita Rex
  3. Tara Tricera
  4. Stella Stego
  5. Lola Longneck
  6. Betty Bronto
  7. Gertie Giga
  8. Daisy Dactyl
  9. Mabel Mosasaur
  10. Penny Ptera
  11. Nancy Nodosaur
  12. Fanny Fossil
  13. Wendy Whiptail
  14. Tilly Tailspin
  15. Lucy Lizard
  16. Sally Saurus
  17. Bonnie Bonecrusher
  18. Hilda Herbivore
  19. Josie Jurassic
  20. Kathy Carnivore
  21. Millie Megalosaur
  22. Nora Neckstretch
  23. Paula Pachy
  24. Queenie Quetzal
  25. Rosie Raptor
  26. Sophie Spino
  27. Tina T-Rex
  28. Vicky Veloci
  29. Yolanda Yawnosaur
  30. Zelda Zaur

Funny Male Dinosaur Names

Male dinosaur names can be just as humorous, especially when they’re given a playful twist.

  1. Bob the Brachio
  2. Dave Dactyl
  3. Sam the Stego
  4. Larry Longneck
  5. Jerry Jurasaurus
  6. Mike Mosasaur
  7. Ned Nodosaur
  8. Oscar Oviraptor
  9. Pete Pachy
  10. Quentin Quetzal
  11. Randy Raptor
  12. Steve Spino
  13. Timmy T-Rex
  14. Victor Veloci
  15. Wally Whiptail
  16. Xavier Xeno
  17. Zack Zaur
  18. Andy Ankylo
  19. Charlie Cerato
  20. Danny Dino
  21. Eddie Edapho
  22. Franky Fossil
  23. Greg Giga
  24. Hank Herbivore
  25. Ivan Iguanodon
  26. Jake Jumbo
  27. Kevin Kentro
  28. Louis Lizard
  29. Max Megalosaur
  30. Norm Neckstretch

Which Name You Should Choose?

I understand that choosing the best option can be challenging when there are a lot of choices. Let me assist you in finding the ideal name for a dinosaur. Here, you’ll find a variety of common and humorous dinosaur names, each with its unique meaning and historical context, to help you make the perfect choice.

  1. Gigglesaurus: Derived from “giggle” and the suffix “-saurus” (meaning lizard in Greek), Gigglesaurus evokes the image of a cheerful, laughter-loving dinosaur. The name playfully combines the joviality of laughter with the grandeur of ancient reptiles.
  2. Snackosaurus: A whimsical blend of “snack” and “saurus,” Snackosaurus suggests a dinosaur with an insatiable appetite for treats. It’s a humorous take on the typically ferocious image of dinosaurs, imagining them as creatures with a penchant for snacks.
  3. Sneezadon: Combining “sneeze” with the suffix “-don” (tooth), Sneezadon humorously suggests a dinosaur prone to sneezing. It’s a lighthearted twist, imagining these ancient beasts with a very human-like and slightly comical ailment.
  4. DinoSnooze: Merging “dino” (short for dinosaur) with “snooze,” DinoSnooze paints a picture of a lazy, sleepy dinosaur. This name humorously contrasts the often active and ferocious portrayal of dinosaurs with a more laid-back, sleepy character.
  5. Chatter-Rex: A playful mix of “chatter” and “T-Rex,” Chatter-Rex envisions a talkative Tyrannosaurus Rex. It’s a whimsical take on the usually intimidating T-Rex, turning it into a friendly, gossip-loving giant.
  6. Balletceratops: Infusing “ballet” into “Triceratops,” Balletceratops imagines a graceful, dancing dinosaur. This name amusingly juxtaposes the bulky form of a Triceratops with the elegance and poise of a ballet dancer.
  7. Sillysaurus: A blend of “silly” and “saurus,” Sillysaurus conjures up the image of a playful, goofy dinosaur. It’s a fun, lighthearted name that deviates from the often serious and fierce names given to dinosaurs.
  8. Hiccupodon: Merging “hiccup” with “-odon” (tooth), Hiccupodon humorously suggests a dinosaur with a chronic case of hiccups. This name amusingly humanizes dinosaurs, attributing to them a common, albeit funny, human condition.
  9. Fumblefoot: Fumblefoot combines the word “fumble” with a reference to the dinosaur’s feet, implying a clumsy, accident-prone creature. This name humorously depicts dinosaurs as less coordinated and more bumbling than their typical portrayal.
  10. NoodleNeck: A playful take on dinosaurs with long necks, NoodleNeck suggests a dinosaur with a neck resembling a noodle. It humorously emphasizes the elongated neck of certain dinosaurs, likening it to the floppy, flexible nature of noodles.
  11. Blinkosaurus: Combining “blink” with “saurus,” Blinkosaurus humorously imagines a dinosaur that blinks excessively. It’s a light-hearted take on these ancient creatures, attributing them a quirky, human-like trait.
  12. TwinkleToes: TwinkleToes humorously suggests a dinosaur with a delicate, light-footed walk. It playfully contrasts the heavy, thunderous steps often associated with large dinosaurs, imagining them as surprisingly graceful.
  13. Yawnodon: Merging “yawn” with “-odon,” Yawnodon conjures the image of a perpetually sleepy dinosaur. This name amusingly subverts the dynamic, active image of dinosaurs with a more lethargic, drowsy demeanor.
  14. WhoopeeRaptor: A blend of “whoopee” (an exclamation of excitement) and “raptor,” WhoopeeRaptor envisions a dinosaur that is always having fun. It’s a playful name that departs from the fierce reputation of raptors, instead highlighting a more jovial aspect.
  15. PuddleSplasher: PuddleSplasher humorously suggests a dinosaur that loves splashing in puddles. This name is a delightful twist, depicting these prehistoric giants as having a childlike enjoyment of simple pleasures.
  16. Guffawgon: Combining “guffaw” (a loud laugh) with a twist on “dragon,” Guffawgon paints a picture of a dinosaur known for its loud, hearty laughter. This name humorously humanizes dinosaurs, associating them with joy and amusement.
  17. MuddleMunch: MuddleMunch cleverly combines “muddle” and “munch,” suggesting a dinosaur that often gets into messy eating situations. It’s a playful name that highlights a more whimsical, less intimidating side of dinosaurs.
  18. WiggleRex: A blend of “wiggle” and “T-Rex,” WiggleRex imagines a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a wiggly demeanor. This name amusingly subverts the typical portrayal of the T-Rex as a fearsome predator, instead highlighting a quirkier trait.
  19. Pranceasaurus: Merging “prance” with “saurus,” Pranceasaurus suggests a dinosaur that moves with a light, playful step. It’s a whimsical take, envisioning these ancient beasts as possessing a more delicate and joyful gait.
  20. Jesteratops: Infusing “jester” into “Triceratops,” Jesteratops imagines a dinosaur known for its playful and humorous nature. This name amusingly contrasts the often serious depiction of Triceratops with a more light-hearted character.
  21. RumbleRaptor: RumbleRaptor combines “rumble” with “raptor,” suggesting a dinosaur that creates a lot of noise and commotion. It’s a playful twist on the raptor’s image, highlighting a more boisterous and lively personality.
  22. Snortlesaurus: A blend of “snort” and “saurus,” Snortlesaurus humorously suggests a dinosaur known for its snorting. It’s a lighthearted name that humanizes dinosaurs, attributing to them a comical, relatable sound.
  23. GiggleRaptor: Combining “giggle” with “raptor,” GiggleRaptor imagines a raptor that is always laughing. This name adds a whimsical, cheerful dimension to the typically fierce raptor.
  24. StumbleRex: Merging “stumble” with “T-Rex,” StumbleRex suggests a T-Rex that is prone to tripping over. It’s a humorous take, portraying the mighty T-Rex in a more clumsy and endearing light.
  25. Bloopasaurus: A playful combination of “bloop” and “saurus,” Bloopasaurus imagines a dinosaur known for making silly, unexpected sounds. This name humorously adds a layer of playfulness to the dinosaur’s character.
  26. Chuckleraptor: Infusing “chuckle” into “raptor,” Chuckleraptor envisions a raptor that enjoys a good laugh. It’s a humorous twist on the raptor’s image, painting it as more jovial and lighthearted.
  27. Skipasaurus: Merging “skip” with “saurus,” Skipasaurus suggests a dinosaur that moves with a skipping gait. This name amusingly contrasts the typical lumbering movement of dinosaurs with a more sprightly, joyful motion.
  28. TumbleTriceratops: Combining “tumble” with “Triceratops,” TumbleTriceratops imagines a Triceratops that often falls over in a clumsy manner. It’s a playful name that adds a whimsical, endearing quality to the Triceratops.
  29. Bounceodon: A blend of “bounce” and “-odon,” Bounceodon suggests a dinosaur that loves to jump around. This name humorously envisions dinosaurs as playful, energetic creatures, quite different from their usual portrayal.
  30. Mirthasaurus: Combining “mirth” (amusement) with “saurus,” Mirthasaurus envisions a dinosaur that is always in high spirits. It’s a delightful twist, imagining these ancient creatures as embodiments of joy and laughter.

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